Party Season 2012 was pretty BIG. It creeped in early November, and it’s been relentless, till now. Hence, the lack of blog posts. No time. Haha!
Anyway, am on a 22-day drinking run. Today, Jan 7, I did not drink. Finally. (But then again the night’s still young!)
So Party Season has just ended for me, and it was intense.
2012 went in a flash. The human race is still here tho, unfortunately for the other species.
Lookin back, via pictures, here’re some of highlights (for me at least).

Was an esteemed judge for the GAB-Hospitality Asia Awards. Esteemed. I like dat word. Tho am not 100% sure wat it means
A good year. Managed to do quite a bit rather than sit on my ass and waste precious life. Managed to grow spiritually & personally too.
Plan to travel domestically more often this year, esp on weekends. Might even do the Rainforest World Music Fest again after a three-year boycott. And hopefully at least one major overseas trip to a new country. Bro wants to hit Cuba.
Health-wise, sallgood. And thanks to Kamliari, my liver is now brand new!
2013 should be even better for me personally. Also, for the world i think. People are becoming less religious but more spiritual. They’re also more aware, and can see thru the bullshit being fed to us. Even people in US are realizing they’re being screwed by their government and corporations and the president; about time too.
Anyway, all the best for the year yall! Take less, give more. Change the world. Salud!