I luv havin a nice, slow, full-on breakfast. When i wake up early that is. The aromas, the fresh air, the morning vibe. The rarity.
Boozy breakfast? Yea, dat too on occasion. Like weekend brunches. Or dat one time i threw my birthday party in the morning. Crazy.
Anyway, beers aren’t the only breakfast drinks out there. Of course there’s champagne too. But a drink specially created for the breakfast market? Yea, there’s one now in the US at least, thanks to Pernod Ricard.
These far-sighted people have just released three breakfast liqueurs under the label Mama Walkers. Flavours? Maple Bacon, Blueberry Pancake, and Glazed Donut.
Gosh. These guys are serious about their breakfast. As they should be.
If you can drink your bacon, why eat it?
At 35% ABV, this is ain’t no kiddy shit. Awesome.
Would luv to get some; or recreate with cocktail syrups! Brown-brown would definitely be in da mix.
Remember…. breakfast… it’s the most important drink of the day.