Here are a coupla cocktail creations of mine dat are not just extremely nice to drink but dead-easy to make.
1) Kelapa Rock
You dont even feel like you’re havin booze with this one. Refreshing, tasty and goes down easy. Get a coconut or buy coconut water from d coconut dude. If u cut your own coconut, then dont forget to add sugar. Otherwise, they normally add sugar syrup when u buy it from a stall.
Pour into rock/zombie glass. Add two shots of vodka. It’s ready!
Trust me – real good. It went like wild fire at the blog launch.

Jemput minum...
2) Brown-Brown
Too easy. Buy a milo-ais. Add a double or triple vodka. Ready to drink!
Two other common cocktails of mine are Deep Red Shit, a sangria with like 10 ingredients (misplaced the goddam recipe) and The Yeltsin Boogie, a house punch special.
Next on d list of localized cocktails will be limau ais and sirap bandung. Also cendol + Jamaican spiced rum. Will update.

Good ol coconut (not loaded), Hainan

Hey how about something about ‘Yeltsin Boogie’?
ah that reminds me. I should go get some coconuts for the party. haha
never had any of these before? never heard of them before
Introducing Kelapa Siok! (sorry they sound similar, but who cares??)
Easy. Just replace d vodka in Kepala Rock with Mekong Whiskey. Do not load it with others like Chivas or Blue label!
Kelapa Siok sounds interesting. Thanks!
Yea Max, will post about Yeltsin Boogie and its many victims someday.