Dammit enough is enough

I’ve had it with expensive booze! We’ve been payin thru our frikin nipples for goddam years, while the government and F&B outlets get loaded. Malaysians earn one of the least, but pay probably the most in the world for regular alcohol. Fuckdatshit.

Malaysians spend billions every year on alcohol – mainly coz it costs shitloads – the fault of greedy businessmen and the government tax. The tax itself that they collect comes to more than a billion bucks!

That’s a thousand million. From us drinkers. Every damn year. Puta madre man.

Last year, we spent RM5.6 billion on beer alone!

Thus, we’re obviously influential as consumers, and definitely an economic force – it’s time we realize that and empower ourselves.

POWER is with the PEOPLE yall

Thus, today, we as responsible alcohol consumers formed a group called Alcon (Alcohol-Consumer Rights Group, Malaysia). No shit. The objective, to sum it up, is to act as a pressure group and fight for the basic rights of all alcohol consumers in Malaysia, which number at least a million.

We’ve been silent all these years! Why the fuck?!

Stupid or wat?

We already pay the second highest duties/tax on alcohol in the fuckin world! Every bottle/can u buy retail, at least 40% of the hard-earned money is going to the govt! Is that fair? So there is absolutely zero justification for the government’s recent proposal to INCREASE the tax in Budget 2012 next week.

In fact, fuck it, we’ll be asking them to DECREASE the goddam tax. Since the Budget is just a proposal document, we gotta make some noise. If they go ahead and do it anyway, at least they wont take things for granted anymore, and wont shaft us as an easy source of funds.

Between 1991 and 2006, there has been an increase of 169 percent in the beer and stout excise rate.

Take beer for example – for every can u buy for say 5 bucks, almost 4 bucks is tax! Dats booshit.

As it is, people are turning to cheap-ass, locally-made shit (read this report) coz its cheap – like 10-20 bucks a bottle of liquor. Some stupid assholes who run bars are doing it too. (These guys are next on my shit list.)

Outlet owners and alcohol companies are free to join the group and contribute in anyway possible. Just understand that the priority of the group is alcohol consumers. And it will be driven by consumers themselves.

Thus, the long-term thrust will be getting consumers a better deal, whether we gotta get it from the government or from the other stakeholders. If not now, then at least in the future.

Someday we might even consider formalizing it as an association, but that’s not a priority right now. One thing’s for sure – the so-called consumer associations we have here aint gonna do shit for us.

In fact, traitors like CAP (Consumers Association of Penang) will probably support insanely-high prices. Consider these people our enemies.

Response to the group has been good. 300+ members in under 6 hours. We’ll be writing letters to the papers (u can do that too), and considering getting a signature petition out to the media and the Ministry concerned.

This is a campaign yall. A straight-up, people’s campaign.

Make a stand or shaddafuck up. If u’d like to help, drop me a comment or mail.

Get more people, and join the fight here.


Goddam raw deal

That’s what’s we’re getting, as the Malaysian ringgit has appreciated significantly against major currencies like the US dollar, Euro, Aussie and pound sterling.

As the booze we drink here is imported, prices should have dropped by now. The currencies have lost 20% against the ringgit. So if u used to pay 15 bucks for a particular beer, it should now cost only $12.

Booze costs much less now

If u used to pay $300 for a bottle of liquor, the price now should be $240. That’s quite a difference.

Have the brands or distributors or bars or restaurants reduced prices? I’ve yet to see any!

That to me is FRAUD.

But dont expect any mercy from businesses.

Damn ultra-capitalists.

When Carlsberg Malaysia and GAB raised their beer prices by a mere 3% a coupla months back, some places raised beer prices by 50 cents! Thats more like 10%. Which is more than three times the stipulated increase.

But stay tuned if our currency depreciates – then businesses be stepping on each other’s fuckin faces to raise prices.

The same goes for other imported products – prices of stuff like mobile phones, Macs, cameras, chocolates & cookies, cars, fuel, outdoor gear, magazines, foodstuff, shoes, electronic products, shitloads of other stuff too.

But as usual, Malaysians are getting shafted up the ass by businesses. Screwed by the drinking business too.


Did u know that…

… a pint of Hoegaarden only costs about $12?

And so a half pint is only $6?

Well now u know!

Are drinkers here gettin scammed?


Some outlets sell a pint at $25, some close to $30, some more than that! And a half pint close to 20 bucks! Massive marking-up like these should be made a criminal offense dammit. Dats why Malaysians’ purchasing power never improves – greedy, short-term minded businesses.

Not worth half as much as u think

The right price for a pint of Hoegaarden (Carlsberg Malaysia) should be $15 – $20. And a half pint no more than $10. It aint a premium drink.

Bars the world over dont mark-up their prices so much, esp for beer! They aren’t short-term minded capitalistic wannabe millionaires, and rely on a higher turnover over a longer period.

The cost for a pint at a bar in Europe (after mark-up of course, and considering their costs and overheads are much higher) is only between 3 to 4 Euros! (Even if u convert, its between $12-$16).

I wdnt pay more than 20 bucks for this beer.

While bars here mark-up beers like Tiger, Carlsberg etc, by about $5 (max $10), they mark-up Hoegaarden by $20, sometimes more! So here comes the inevitable question – Why??, i  hear u scream.

Good question. Go ask the bar owners. Am sure they’ll come up with some good excuses.

My opinion? Greed.


Chicks who dont pay for booze

Generally, I think many chicas are stingy when it comes to goin out, especially clubbing.

Its usually the guys dat have to fork out money for these sessions. You know except for a coupla incidents, I dont see girls buying bottles when partyin with a bunch of friends that include guys. Wattup wit dat? Do they suddenly become inferior & unequal once they step into a club/bar?

I usually don’t mind and it’s never bothered me, but after many years of seeing d same ol shit, it got me thinking out loud here. Coz I dislike inequality / discrimination.

Just coz guys don’t say anything, we cant assume its cool. In my opinion, Malaysian guys are just too nice to females to say sumtin. Or maybe they feel sorry for ’em for some reason.

And its not like wimin cant guzzle. Some do a better job than a lot of men. (I wish there were more of ‘em. Haha)

And the problem is a lot of them dont even bother to say “thank you”. Now dats real rude.

No rules at freeflows tho

No issues at freeflows tho

Some chics would hit a bill for hundreds of bucks with their gerlfrens on some dumb meal that looks like a goddam toy-on-a-plate at some over-priced, capitalistic, foreign-sounding joint, but wont take out a few bucks when partyin. These are the weird ones.

They’d even take out fuckin calculators to count the group’s share to the goddam cents.

In fact, tho it happens, its not that often u’d see girls go party together and get a bottle for themselves. Wat, they cant afford it? Why do they usually need guys around to get senget? (The only exception I can think of is a hen’s nite or a birthday)

Point here is – Tho i personally find it to be a fun job, I don’t see any concrete reason why partying, drinking and getting plastered should be a responsibility that’s shoved to the males in the group.

(Wat if your male frens are a bunch of sissies who don’t party hard?? Ur screwed! Haha)

U know wat, I’d love to go out one night (or every week!) with gerls and not have to bother about booze. Just sit my brown ass down on d couch, and wait for them to sort d shit out.

I don’t wanna know from where or who d dam booze came from. I just drink. Play d dumb blonde.

Coz dats exactly what many girls would do.

Alcohol just not just appear from thin-air. SOMEBODY has to pay for it.

P1180392I guess some women aren’t very liberated. And not as independent as they think they are.

Most women wanna be treated as equals by men and by society. Thing is, u gotta act like equals if u wanna be seen as equals, right?

OK. Prove me wrong (please!). I’ll be glad. And hopefully, drunk.

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