How to drink & drive

Yea, we all do it. So cut the crap. The challenge is how to do it right.
Drink-driving is LEGAL. U can even drink while driving. It’s only illegal if ur over the limit. So don’t get conned by d damn cops.

The BAC (blood alcohol content) limit in Malaysia is 0.08%. Anything below is fine.

If u hit 1%, you dead. As in physically dead.

U can achieve 0.08% if u have three quick drinks, but there’re many variables like body mass, sex, stomach contents. Also, alcohol takes longer to leave the body of some Asians who have alcohol flush reaction, also known as the lobster-face syndrome!

Poster at GAB’s Tavern

As described above, u can only get intoxicated if u consume more than one drink an hour, coz dats d speed that your body metabolizes alcohol (ie, sobers you up). If u wanna ace a breathalyzer, remember that.

What’s one ‘standard drink’? It’s one portion, ie, a mug of beer (330ml), one shot of whisky (30-45ml), one glass of wine (150ml), etc. (One drink must contain 15ml of ethanol /  pure alcohol.) For drink measurements, refer here.

If you have only one of the above every hour, you will not fail a breathalyzer. Unfortunately you wont be very high either.

Here are some tips to drive after drinkin:

1. Drive real slow. Even if u hit anything, there’ll be no issues / injuries. And FOCUS. Well, try to anyway. Haha

2. Drive, but the next morning. Sleep it off in your car if its parked in a safe spot

3. Ditch d wheels n pick it up tomw. Go back with a friend or a cab

4. If u gonna drive, one good technique is down shifting your gear to Low or 3. U’ll have better control over d car, n d speed is mechanically limited by the engine. I’d highly recommend this technique, coz it works. But u gotta resist the temptation to shift up. Both hands on d wheel!

5. If ur stopped by cops n blow into a breathalyzer, n score below 80, don’t let them shit u. U passed d test. Unless they place u under arrest for some other reason, u can leave. Read more in my post on Drinks, dirty cops and roadblocks.

6. If u gonna drink while driving, utilize one of these handy cup-holders for a hands-free session. Sure helps. Combine them with a huggaz to make sure your beer stays cold!


Its the peak of the Party Season 2011 yall.

Merry Christmas! Enjoy your holidays n drive safe!


Hot cocktails. And cold remedies

Got a cold? Feel like ripping your nose off, or sticking a vacuum cleaner into your nostrils? Forget Clarinese. And dont waste time at the clinic. Have some natural, non-chemical remedy instead – alcohol.

Been havin a cold for a coupla days, tho i been partying a lot d last few days too. Including popping Clarinese and Panadols, and washing ’em down with bourbon n vodka. Explains why i havent updated here for quite a few days.

I tot i’d check out whats the best way to feel better, utilizing booze rather than chems. My grandma, she always recommended some brandy (neat) with lemon.

I hope we all got some grandma remedies that we can remember, n pass on. Am sure they have some basis.

Vodka, rum both oso can i guess

What Granny recommended was kinda like a Hot Toddy. A Hot Toddy is not referring to the regular toddy most people think of, but it refers to a hot cocktail, made of a shot of either whisky, rum or brandy, mixed with hot tea, plus lemon and honey.

It’s a well-known and popular remedy to make your nose and respiratory system feel relief, especially from congestion or a runny nose. And its all-natural. And u could probably get a nice lil buzzzz.

I think all liquors are fine. Avoid cold beers tho (which i didnt).

Anyway, came across a piece on Liquor Snob. Here are some of the recommended hot cocktails to relief the symptoms of a cold.

Hot T&T

The Ts here are for toddy & tequila. Boil water, pour into a mug, add a teabag. Sink a shot of tequila, squeeze some lime, and a tablespoon of honey. Sip ‘n enjoy.

Tequila does d job too

The Hot-Headed Cuban (aka Tony Montana)

The Hot Headed Cuban is derived from a combination of the Mojito and the Crazy Cuban. Its meant to relieve sore throat, stuffy head and nose, and body aches. This drink requires mint tea. Add one shot of your favorite rum to the hot tea, and half a shot of Amaretto, and squeeze in half a lime.

To upgrade the cocktail from Hot Headed Cuban to Tony Montana, sprinkle in some coke, and scream “Puto!” after u down it.

"So wotchusayin, u name a fokin cockotail ofter me now u stoopid fok"

Spicy Hot Toddy

Fill a tea pot with hot water, add freshly-squeezed lemon juice, a shot of bourbon and throw in some Jalapeño peppers, either fresh or pickled.

Anyway, just got back from a long Sunday afternoon of drinking at Luna Bar, and my cold seems to have significantly lessened. I had vodka, whisky, and a few tequila shots. So maybe any liquor helps!


Stay sober at your own risk

A new study published in TIME mag shows that people who dont drink die younger.

So whats new.

Compared to drinkers, sober people have a 51% higher chance of dying younger. Second best is heavy drinkers, and best is moderate drinkers (three drinks a day).

Shouldn’t booze be given out by governments for free then? Whats all this bullshit about tax??

There’s some great health news about cider too, which i’ll post soon.

This basically means even heavy drinkers live longer than non-drinkers. Dont know if i consider that good news. Dont wanna be around too long either.

I pity all those people who didnt drink all their lives and then died. Rugiii.

Go ahead, ride it

Quote: “One important reason is that alcohol lubricates so many social interactions, and social interactions are vital for maintaining mental and physical health. As was pointed out last year, nondrinkers show greater signs of depression than those who allow themselves to join the party.”

So go join the party!



Drink-induced amnesia is a fuckin problem. Every alco has been thru this experience. Also known as blackout, as opposed to d slightly milder but no less confusing brownout, which i wrote about here. (In science terms, DIA is “en bloc blackout” vs “fragmentary blackout” (brownout).)

DIA (not to be confused with but possibly related to d hospital term DOA – dead on arrival), happens with very quick, or excessive consumption of alcohol. Or both.

Liquor mostly. I doubt it works with beer, unless u do helluva lot.

Goes down too easy

U forget stuff dat happened. Like ordering more drinks, then only realizing d next day –  coz yor pockets are outta cash.

Or d last bar u were at. Or driving home. Or even sex! (Similar to cock amnesia.)

I once crossed busy Jln Ampang to get to another party n dont remember that, and d next two hours. Haha


Unfortunately some people cant behave appropriately when under DIA, and wont even remember it.

Dont remember

Its actually pretty amazing. At the time when ur under DIA, ur generally a perfectly-functioning human, able to do whatever your brain normally does, from the mundane and basic to the complicated, like pissing, havin conversations, calculating cash, driving, eating. But d next day, it’s like it never happened! Was your brain off?

Its like sleep-walking. Kinda weird. I used to sleep-walk too.

I guess over-drinking affects d brain cells dat control short-term memory. It sucks coz many times, u REALLY had a great time, but its been fuckin erased from your memory forever. I think besides a hangover, this is what i hate most about booze.

U gotta rely on eye-witness reports to fill u in. That dont always work either, coz if u dont remember what u dont remember, u wouldnt even ask. So sometimes u’ll NEVER know dat u had DIA.

D other way to jog your memory a lil are photos of d scenes.

Don't remember

Some research done indicates that “These periods of amnesia are primarily “anterograde,” meaning that alcohol impairs the ability to form new memories while the person is intoxicated, but does not typically erase memories formed before intoxication.”

Praise the lord! So its just ‘temporary brain damage’. Cool.

However the prick also concluded that “occurrence of blackouts is a powerful indicator of alcoholism.” Yea right.

There’s also DIA-within-DIA. Besides not remembering d next day, u dont remember during the piss-up what u said like three fuckin minutes ago. Like “where do u live?!”. Askin d same goddam question five times in a night. Dats cause its been documented that your memory in such situations lasts two minutes.

Wow. Fish brain.

Don't remember

This part of the report about ‘state-dependent memory’ is cool – “It is not uncommon to hear stories of drinkers who stash alcohol or money while intoxicated, and locate the hiding places only after becoming intoxicated again.” Haha!

Basically DIA stems from an inability to transfer information from short-term to long-term storage. Your neurons are in a twist. D report notes “a key predictor of blackouts is the rate at which subjects consumed their drinks.” So it happens more to fast drinkers.

I say watch those shots. More than one a minute and ur askin for DIA. One every 90 seconds should be fine.

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