Drive around a lot? Tired of spilling an ice-cold drink under your goddam crotch? Sick of unnecessary wastage?
Drinking-while-driving and there’s no place to store your drink?
Yea, i know, it really sucks.
Sure, sometimes there’s someone next to u who can be a drink holder, but then the person might over-tax the drink n leave u with nutin. Besides, the hands always make the drink warm.
Now, a solution to all the world’s drink-driving problems.
Behold…… The Drink Holder!……
The super-duper expandable drink holder from Daiso is here. This customizable mama latches onto your window and doesnt let go. Got a little 330ml can of beer? Just pull it out halfway, and stick d can safely in there. No more will u be fumbling around for the can and crash into a house.
That would spill the whole can dammit.
Got a high 500ml bottle instead? No sweat, expand The Drink Holder to its max length, and the bottle hangs out snugly inside, with no spillage. It can be shortened to hold glasses too.
Unlike those ring holders, this one’s much more stable, holds bottles, and the all-round wrap helps keep the drink insulated and cold. Its polypropylene, with a minimum temp of minus 20C and a max of 120C. Just stick the hook in between the window and the rubber edge.
Its another one of them very handy cold-retention gear that was reviewed here before, to add to d collection.
Sweet deal at 5 bucks a pop, and comes in grey & black. There used to be blue too. Got them at Daiso in the car accessory aisle.
Great gifts for alco frens. Go get em before i buy them all.

Dammit, one of these would have saved me from crashing into that road-block in Langkawi…
No shit. Haha. Yes, its all about road safety and responsible drinking
Of course, of course. And is there a motorcycle version?
Actually there is! Read this link, u lucky monkey. Best part is d cops probably wont be able to figure it out
oh sweet. i’m getting that the next time i go Daiso. ha!
Wonder if it’s Drift-safe? hahaha!!
Thats quite psycho. Try n lemme know!
oh i know who to buy it for… oh wait, he rides on a bike.. bummer
Well, there’s one specially for him then! Refer to this post –