About Deep

Alco blogger, ex-lifestyle/F&B writer for The Star

Drinking & puking

Somebody put this funny video up on Alcon’s FB page. A comedian, Jim Breuer, talks about why you puke after drinking.


His theory is funny, and uses the analogy of your gut/stomach as a club. Watch the whole thing.

Some say alcohol and puking come hand-in-hand. I disagree.

I dont know how much u gotta drink to puke. I think it’s a personal variable. Either way it’s been awhile since i let spray. It’s actually a non-issue.

I think it’s a matter of practice. If u drink often enough, side-effects like puking, stomach issues and hangovers actually lessen. I’m a case-study.

When you reduce your fun boozing sessions, you lose out — in two ways. One, you reduce your fun boozing sessions.

Two, when you do drink, you’re a lightweight / toilet bowl hugger / hangover magnet. (For hangover cures etc, you can refer to these posts here.)

So to stay away from nasty surprises, keep drinkin!


Cocktail Solutions launched

Independent cocktail producers Cocktail Solutions launched their RTD (ready-to-drink) products recently at Wanaka The Bungalow @ Damansara Heights.

Up the hill

Up the hill

Basically, these are cocktails that are pre-made and in bottle form, so they can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere. Handy for road-trips, among others.

The drinks are made by Joshua Ivanovic, who’s been with Tate @ Intermark and Circus here in the Valley, as well as Milk & Honey in London. He won the Cocktail World Cup in 2008, so he’s been around.

The idea is to make cocktails convenient and affordable (from RM12+ for a 270ml bottle).

Choose yor juice

Choose yor juice

So after months of experimenting with ingredients, flavours and ingredient, Cocktail Solutions has created six RTD cocktails to start.

They were featured during the launch, and this is what i liked:



It’s a fruity blast of fresh strawberries, with the right amount of sweetness and a limey finish.

The Lychee Martini (tho not strictly a martini as it’s ABV is 5%) is okay too, sweet-sour, with some lychee coming thru on the finish.



Other flavours we tried – Margarita, Mai Tai, Mojito and Cosmo. I found them a lil too limey for my anti-sour palate. All ABVs are 5%.

Party in effect

Party in effect

Cocktail Solutions can customize cocktails of your choice, including low-cal ones. You can also have your own label on, eg, for events or parties or celebrations.

At least 12 hour’s notice is required, depending on quantity, as it’s made-to-order. Minimum order is a case (24 bottles). There’s a mistake on the website – no sales to under 21. Actually, it’s supposed to be 18.

These guys deliver. You can get the stuff from their website – cocktailsolutions.com.

Nice. Like Fridays aint fun enough!

Nice. Like Fridays aint fun enough!

Brain damage: 6/10


Top bar beers today

The worldwide trend on mainstream beers puts Heineken (Holland) at the top of the Best-Selling category, as voted in Drinks International by 50 top bars, followed by Peroni (Italy) and Asahi (Japan). Sapporo (Japan) is at 8. Tsing Tao (China) is in there too, at no 10.  Asia represent!

Hoping to see some Southeast Asian brands up there soon, like Chang, Singha or Tiger.

Jepong mai

Jepong mai

And in the Top Trending brands, Asahi is number one. Then its Peroni and Stella Artois (Belgium). Fermented Mexican piss Corona seems to be making some sort of a comeback, at number 4 in this category. Another Jap, Kirin, comes in at no 10. (Heineken is at 7.)



One thing is clear from these trends. Lagers still run the show. For now.


Breakfast of champs

I luv havin a nice, slow, full-on breakfast. When i wake up early that is. The aromas, the fresh air, the morning vibe. The rarity.

Boozy breakfast? Yea, dat too on occasion. Like weekend brunches. Or dat one time i threw my birthday party in the morning. Crazy.

Anyway, beers aren’t the only breakfast drinks out there. Of course there’s champagne too. But a drink specially created for the breakfast market? Yea, there’s one now in the US at least, thanks to Pernod Ricard.

These far-sighted people have just released three breakfast liqueurs under the label Mama Walkers. Flavours? Maple Bacon, Blueberry Pancake, and Glazed Donut.

Yoo hooo! Come n get it...!

Yoo hooo! Come n get it…!

Gosh. These guys are serious about their breakfast. As they should be.

If you can drink your bacon, why eat it?

At 35% ABV, this is ain’t no kiddy shit. Awesome.

Would luv to get some; or recreate with cocktail syrups! Brown-brown would definitely be in da mix.

Remember….  breakfast…  it’s the most important drink of the day.

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