Tiger Blogfest 2010 (not the beer)

I agreed to join the above, which requires me to post something about protecting our tigers.

Die proud

I say set them free. Burn all the fucking zoos all over d world, set all d animals free. Shut down all the captive breeding programs.

Zoos are pathetic. How can they be justified? Putting animals on display for our sick entertainment. “For the kids” my ass.

Its plain human selfishness.

And ironically animals like tigers, rhinos and pandas are kidnapped from the wild, against their will, and imprisoned for breeding coz we’re afraid they get extinct!

So what? Let them go extinct. We fucked-up, period. We throw them in prison coz we dont want them to die?? Haha! Shows how dumb and egoistic humans can be.

Why torture them for our mistakes? Let them die free.

Thats all i gotta say bout dat.

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