The dawg Homey is down n out. Got into a brutal fight on Saturday night with a neighbour’s dog.
Homey normally kicks his ass, but this time, he was probably over-confident. The other bigger dog stuck his fangs into Homey’s neck and just didnt let go. They were trashing around on the road for several minutes.
The neighbours beat their own dog and threw buckets of water on it, and even broke broom sticks on it, but it refused to let go.
It was a long and savage fight. I finally used the bucket and somehow shoved the dog’s face into it.
D next day i had to take Homey for surgery to be stitched up in three places where there were large holes. One on his neck and 2 below his ear. Broke a few nails. There was also a hole in his leg that went right thru to d other side. Same thing with the injury on his cheek.
He’s lookin like Dracula got to him.
Ear also senget aredi. Haha
He’s been very quiet, glum and stoned. He finally wagged his tail a little today after two days. Hope he makes a full recovery. The last major fight was slightly more than a year ago. This fight also cost me more than 300 bucks.
Homey got whooped, but i doubt he’s gonna stop brawling.