Tested shitloads of interesting beers for some freelance work – writing a beer supplement for New Man mag. Twelve pages worth!
I was handed 30+ different beers to test, from all over the world (but sold here). How nice of the editor.
This is how my fridge looked like:
It was quite an experience. There were many beers that i’ve never had in my life. So i had a beer-tasting party at the pad. Needed back-up yo! Got prettyyy bent.
Am better at appreciating beers now, tho i’m still not a very big lager fan. Definitely prefer ales. I make exceptions for Beer Lao and Chang.
It was a fun assignment. Of all the beers tested, 24 are featured in the mag, ranging from Best Draughts, Best Easy-Drinking Beers to..

In a hurry to get whacked?? Refer to "Beers to Get you There" and choose from five options. This punk is a 10%
Enjoyed the wheat beers the most – Franziskaner, Konig Ludwig and Erdinger Dunkel, a dark wheat beer. The articles are in this month’s issue of New Man.
The beers featured retail from $4 to $22 per bottle.
I hope this is an annual part of the mag! Monthly would be better of course, but there aren’t enough beers here dammit.
Brain damage: 7.5/10