Category Archives: ~ Rehab ~
Stupid drunks!
Man, its been more than a week since i posted! An all-time record.
To make it up, here’s sumtin for a laugh. A collection of images of drunks, and how they fuck-up / pass-out. These freaks give alcohol a bad name.
Sum crazy shit. Thankfully in this country, we generally aint like these folks. Fuckin embarrassing. Most of them dont know how to lie down straight, or how to use a bench. The girls are no different.
I dont know why these idiots always slump wrong-side-up, with their heads down, etc. Some of them could unconsciously choke on their own puke n die. They shd be laid on their side.
And some of d pranks their so-called friends pull on them are ridiculous.
Have a good laugh with the photos of d losers of booze.

#10 Some fucker decorated the side of my ride like this before, thankfully just d outside. And another guy passed out with my dog outside

#24 Dis German dude had to be rescued from a manhole. He cant remember how he got his ass stuck there. Looks comfy. All that's missing is a glass in his hand
Drink-induced amnesia is a fuckin problem. Every alco has been thru this experience. Also known as blackout, as opposed to d slightly milder but no less confusing brownout, which i wrote about here. (In science terms, DIA is “en bloc blackout” vs “fragmentary blackout” (brownout).)
DIA (not to be confused with but possibly related to d hospital term DOA – dead on arrival), happens with very quick, or excessive consumption of alcohol. Or both.
Liquor mostly. I doubt it works with beer, unless u do helluva lot.

Goes down too easy
U forget stuff dat happened. Like ordering more drinks, then only realizing d next day – coz yor pockets are outta cash.
Or d last bar u were at. Or driving home. Or even sex! (Similar to cock amnesia.)
I once crossed busy Jln Ampang to get to another party n dont remember that, and d next two hours. Haha
Unfortunately some people cant behave appropriately when under DIA, and wont even remember it.

Dont remember
Its actually pretty amazing. At the time when ur under DIA, ur generally a perfectly-functioning human, able to do whatever your brain normally does, from the mundane and basic to the complicated, like pissing, havin conversations, calculating cash, driving, eating. But d next day, it’s like it never happened! Was your brain off?
Its like sleep-walking. Kinda weird. I used to sleep-walk too.
I guess over-drinking affects d brain cells dat control short-term memory. It sucks coz many times, u REALLY had a great time, but its been fuckin erased from your memory forever. I think besides a hangover, this is what i hate most about booze.
U gotta rely on eye-witness reports to fill u in. That dont always work either, coz if u dont remember what u dont remember, u wouldnt even ask. So sometimes u’ll NEVER know dat u had DIA.
D other way to jog your memory a lil are photos of d scenes.

Don't remember
Some research done indicates that “These periods of amnesia are primarily “anterograde,” meaning that alcohol impairs the ability to form new memories while the person is intoxicated, but does not typically erase memories formed before intoxication.”
Praise the lord! So its just ‘temporary brain damage’. Cool.
However the prick also concluded that “occurrence of blackouts is a powerful indicator of alcoholism.” Yea right.
There’s also DIA-within-DIA. Besides not remembering d next day, u dont remember during the piss-up what u said like three fuckin minutes ago. Like “where do u live?!”. Askin d same goddam question five times in a night. Dats cause its been documented that your memory in such situations lasts two minutes.
Wow. Fish brain.

Don't remember
This part of the report about ‘state-dependent memory’ is cool – “It is not uncommon to hear stories of drinkers who stash alcohol or money while intoxicated, and locate the hiding places only after becoming intoxicated again.” Haha!
Basically DIA stems from an inability to transfer information from short-term to long-term storage. Your neurons are in a twist. D report notes “a key predictor of blackouts is the rate at which subjects consumed their drinks.” So it happens more to fast drinkers.
I say watch those shots. More than one a minute and ur askin for DIA. One every 90 seconds should be fine.
Into the wild
Ran back to KKB for a few days with me.
Thanks to Antares for his assistance & hospitality, and some doses of insight. He lives in a Temuan village on the road to Fraser’s Hill.
I also managed to watch What About Me, a superb musical docudrama about our humanity.
Took my time gettin to d destination.
Next morning ditched the wheels in KKB town before dawn, to hike back to the village.
Unfortunately for me, d pups are available for adoption, so they’ll probably be gone on my next visit.
Was great knowing them.
Had to peel myself outta there. Was supposed to hang only three days. But for five days, i never knew the time. Haha. Liberating.