Yea, the river is called Chiling.
And it’s my fave spot in da world.

The frontyard of d pad
Had a bbq n drinks weekend at the house by d river, Maycliff. Awesome spot. Highlights were Blavod & the amazing Beer Lao, which unfortunately is not available in Malaysia.
Sis brought d twins, Mo & Trish.
And we brought da dawg.

Homey rides shotgun
He doesn’t accept d backseat.

Aw, is d river cold? Trish n Mo
I think i’ll let d pictures do da talkin.

Some of d weekend’s weapons

Homey goin for it

Souvenirs we brought back from Laos. Yea d beer too. It’s awesome

Mo attempts a snatch. Sorry kid, wait a coupla years

There were some other dawgs there

There’s sumtin bout dis kid n alcohol. Hmm. Maybe he can takeover this blog soon


Blavod, d black vodka

Khabir n my bro Anil chillin

What u’ll get when u mix Blavod & orange – Greenshit

For some reason the embers seem purple
While we were in d river with d kids, some dudes across d river shouted at us. “KELUAR!!! KELUAR!!! CEPAT!!!! KELUAARRR!!” I didn’t stand around to ask “Hah? Kenapa ni?? Rilek laa…”
I knew what it was. A flash flood. We grabbed d kids n got out.
It’s amazing how sumtin so fun has d possibility of turning tragic in a blink.
It rained earlier. And it stopped. Everything was fine. Then the water level rose several feet, turned brown and d flow was crazily swift, with all sort of debris in it. And it roared real loud. All within 30 seconds. The kids were playin in d water at that time. The campers’ warning saved their butts, cos they would have been swept in a blink.
This river has taken many lives, in a variety of ways.
Been there many times, but it’s d first time i’ve seen this.


Tea anyone? This is d same spot as d following picture. Bastards must be logging upriver

This is what it looked like a minute earlier
The river is just a short walk down d stairs from d garden of d house. Great spot.
Especially with a great bbq, friends and booze. Eddy, Henry & Khang showed up at 2am, cos they had a gig in KL. Semangat!
A super weekend in KKB.
Brain damage rating: 7/10