A full-on party went down at Tujo (formerly known as 789) at Ascott last week, when GAB launched their Oktoberfest, season 2013. Complete with a prince.
We tried to get the prince drunk, but he wasn’t a great drinker.
We all kinda know what Oktoberfest is. It’s drinking season.
Coz Prince Ludwig got married centuries ago. He showed up at Tujo though, looking all undead. With Princess Therese. Who’s hotter than him.
The party was lotsa fun, with mug-holding challenges too. The one-litre ceramic mugs for this season look good, and weigh a kilo. So if you hold three filled with beer, that’s six kilos per hand. Tough.
Food was good, and so was the band. Tried to get them drunk too.
Lotsa Paulaner Okotberfest Bier to go round.
There’s gonna be a series of 14 historically-themed parties nationwide. Score your own mug till Nov 3 – the first refill is free! Definitely the best mug they’ve produced so far.
The next party is @ Souled Out on Oct 10. That’s tonight! To know of the other parties, you can check out the FB page here.
I was gonna end with Prost!, but i think there’s been enough prosting here.