Tag Archives: alcohol
Absolut Texas & Oz
Pernod Ricard has launched yet more Absolut variants, Texas, and Oz, both limited editions.
Absolut’s 8th limited edition bottle is the Texas, which is the first dedicated to a state. It’s designed by Texan artist Cruz Ortiz.
Looks great. The bottle also features Absolut founder Lars Olsson Smith wearing a cowboy hat – only the second time in the brand’s history in which the logo has been altered.
It’s meant to be rich and smooth with notes of fresh cucumber, and a warm spicy character; a flavour inspired by Southwestern cuisine.
The Absolut Oz is a dry vodka with spiced orange and cinnamon mix, designed by film director Baz Luhrmann. It was during the final stages of filming The Great Gatsby that Luhrmann’s interest in the project to create Oz peaked.
As he said: “Working for the last three years on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s famous novel, it has been very hard not to think about alcohol, as, after all, ‘The Roaring 20’s’ were a time of Prohibition, when, of course, everyone drank.” Really?? Sounds like fun times.
Actually, sounds like my guys.
Beer stuff
Did u know that a female beer brewer is known as a Brewster?? Haha
I wish i knew a few brewsters. In fact, i only know two brewers here, and they aint no goddam brewsters.
I do know a few guys who suffer from cenosillicaphobia. No, it’s not the fear of silly caps. It’s fear of an empty beer glass.
You won’t have dat problem with a lil foresight. Why wait till your glass be empty before u order your next beer?? Dont make sense.
I didn’t realize dat this beer i had a few times comes from the world’s oldest brewery. Weihenstephan is the oldest functional brewery, built in 1040.
Quite a few interesting facts bout beer at this site. A total of 24 Facts You Didn’t Know About Beer. But u gotta be quite a Martian not to know all 24. I learnt 13 new facts bout beer.
The first recorded drunk-driving accident was in 2,000 BC. Haha. 4,000 years ago? Who was it? Fred Fuckin Flintstone?
Whoever it was, the punk was crucified. Literally.
There’re also 400 varieties of beer. Not brands. Varieties. Which means i still have several hundred to go thru.
Thirsty now.
Glossary update (1)
Gotta coupla new additions to the Booze Glossary.
Bengkok (courtesy of Rubin) – like senget. Similar to senget linguistically, but phonetically def sounds more kao.
So bengkok = a more senget version of senget
Kangkang – a more bengkok bengkok. If bengkok is 9/10, kangkang is 10/10
“A straight-up niga move” (as applied by Mr Ice-T in New Jack Hustler) – when someone fucks u over or cons u. Eg disappear when its time to pay d bill, borrow cash n skip town, etc