Breakfast beer

I know beer is kinda breakfast drink, tho i’d prefer champagne in the a.m, but now there’s an ‘official’ breakfast beer.

It’s called Moa Beer (abv 5.5%), a cherry-flavoured one that is being marketed as a breakfast drink. Cherry beers have been around a long time tho, especially in Belgium. Had a crazy time trying all d fruit beers in Brussels – grape, strawberry, apple, raspberry, apricot, etc.


I think except for heavier ales like stouts and porters, all beer is suitable for breakfast, especially if ur having an English breakfast, with bacon n shit.

Anyway, this New Zealand wheat-based ale, to its credit, isnt some shandy-wannabe as it’s above 5%. And the launch took place at 7am. Probably a lil too early.

Of course alcophobics have criticized it, as they aint day-drunks. They say it encourages pathological behaviour. Hmmm. I guess that makes me a pathologist.

And, there’s also a pizza-flavoured beer from the US. That’s right – a beer that tastes like liquid pizza.

If there’s one thing i could eat daily, it’s pizza! (Actually, I did. For six months in the UK.) Would love to get my lips on Mamma Mia! Pizza Beer. Basically, a Margarita pizza is boiled (sounds bad, but it’s received very good reviews), then spices and hops are added. After a coupla weeks, it’s ready!

In theory, as i can eat pizza everyday, this drink could turn me into an alcoholic.

It’s also good as a cooking ingredient.

Drink your food

I’d think it would be like a fizzy, spicy, sweet-sour tomato juice ale.

I want one! Should be great for breakfast too, if not better!


ACE in town

Carlsberg Malaysia recently launched ACE (A-class Experience). It’s to upgrade the skills and service of bar and restaurant staff.

Long way to go, but it’s a start. We all know service levels in Malaysia are going down, as i commented on once.

Pay attention now..

The event was attended by employees from various outlets. Taylor’s University is involved to improve bar operation skills and customer service. Since it was done in English, i assume the foreign staff didnt understand much.

I sat out the training module as it was only for outlet staff. (sorry, all pix by camera phone.)

Brands distributed by Carlsberg Malaysia via Luen Heng

The highlight that day was the attendance of George Reisch, the main man, aka Brewmaster of Anheuser-Busch InBev, which owns brands like Becks, Leffe, Hoegaarden, Budweiser and 200 others. Its the world’s largest global brewer, with 25% of the market, revenue of more than 100 billion a year, and staff of 116,000.

He gave a presentation about beer as well. One memorable statement from him – when storing your beer, keep it in a dark spot so it dont get ‘light-struck’ – light affects beer quality. Hence beer bottles tend to be dark.

Lightstruck! Haha!

We also got to taste half-made lager.

Shady-lookin brews

The oldest was a 20-day (with added wood chips for flavour as is done with Bud), which tastes as good as regular lager. The 5-day End of Aplha is pretty raw, with a nose of cider. Taste is quite bland.

Like Jaz Beer.

The cold wort is very young, and smells to me like Guinness Malta. Its cloudy, and tastes bitter-sweet.

That's George

George enlightened us that 400 different compounds / molecules have been found in wine, and 1,200 in beer. More complicated that you think.

Hmmm. Tough choice. I'd probably go for some Leffe

Also met Carlsberg Malaysia's new marketing director, York Spencer

The program went on for a day. Let’s hope there’re some better-educated bar staff out there now!


Brain damage: 5/10


Beerfest Asia 2011

.. is around the corner. This is an annual festival that showcases beers from all over the world, and is open to the public.

"Hmmm. I think i swallowed these seven; you had those two"

Fortunately, there are countless styles of beers.

Unfortunately, it’s in Singapore.

Happening June 16-19,  the event includes its Asia Beer Awards. Starker (Malaysia) scored some silverware last year.

There’s whole lotta other stuff goin on too.

Beer that will give u wings

Shd be fun especially as u get to sample all the beers before u buy ’em. I’d go, but just had a vacation in Sabah last week, so to scoot again next week would be too much.

There’ll be 25o types of lagers and ales, commercial and craft brews. From the website, looks like Malaysia’s participating beer brands this year are Jaz and Connors.

Ermm… no comment.

Well, that’s the truth of it – we have very few Malaysian beers. No thanks to government control. If they were liberal with licences, i’d be a goddam brewer. Haha

If ur there, have a blast, and try as many as your body allows! Here’s the link.

Haha! Vietnamese promoters kickin it olll skool


The GAB Brewery

Had a tour. A tour of a brewery. Followed by brews.

Tho i’ve been to The Tavern (the brewery bar) quite a few times, this was the first tour of Guinness Anchor Bhd’s brewery in Sungai Way.

Toured Carlsberg Malaysia’s brewery in 2009, where, even while sober, i showed Steven Gerard how it’s done.

Ambik kau! In yor face

No footballers to abuse at GAB tho.

The event was in conjunction with Guinness Malaysia winning the BEST Guinness outside Ireland for four years in a row! Congrats Malaysia.

It’s called the Guinness League of Excellence, and has been around since the ’90s.

Some of the stuff that beer's composed from

The award covers both Guinnesses, the Foreign Extra Stout and Draught. And the competition was between breweries in 50 countries.

We take our black stuff seriously eh?


The judging was by an independent panel, and there are four parameters – Process control (GAB is usually tops here), analytical conformance, dress code (look of the bottle), and taste test (also always top).

Some of d stuff that Guinness is made from - roast barley and hops (pellets)

The tour by Alan Pinto provided an insight on the processes at the brewery. The bottling and canning lines are real impressive. Super hi-tech and fast.

The brewery has some amazing output: It can produce 70,000 cans of beer every hour! And 350-400 kegs/hour, for a volume of 45,000 liters of beer every seven hours.

The superb canning line. What every home needs

The brew is tested daily before being released, and there are nine parameters that are tested. By a bunch of lucky guys. (Unless they’re fed up by now.)

What gives Guinness its uniqueness is among others, a special Guinness Yeast, and the addition of a secret essence called the Guinness Flavor at the end.

Pix weren’t allowed at the production area. Just in case alcos figure an angle to break in.

The zero-gravity ride that guests can partake in

After the tour, i wuz thirsty, obviously, seeing all that brew moving around the brewery floor. But i had to wait. A lil while longer. Mixologist Ben Ng gave a demo on the two-part draft pour that Guinness recommends.

Just kidding. Its one of 'em stainless steel beer tanks

Pour three-quarters first, chill-out, then pour d rest later. Ben explained the rationale.That it has to settle well to taste better.

Ben pulling one

The pouring routine takes a minute-plus, tho personally i prefer the single pour coz it tastes creamier. And arrives colder.

To each his own.


We soon got rid of Ben and tested the beer. It sure hit d spot.

Cashless bars rock!

So if we have the top Guinness in d world, then the Malaysian bar that pours your favourite Guinness has the best Guinness in the world! You’ll probably enjoy your next glass more now. It’s quite a trip to know this aint it?

From the old to the new...

Brain damage: 8/10

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