About Deep

Alco blogger, ex-lifestyle/F&B writer for The Star

The Glenmorangie House, Scotland

.. is a chilled pad. Was there last year courtesy of Moet Hennessy, but never wrote about it.

Posted about the trip here and here before tho.


The rear of the house

The rear of the house


The Glenmorangie House is where we hung for a few days. It has its own website too.

The house is elegant and traditional, quite large, with big grounds.


My crib in the attic

My crib in the attic


A welcome dram awaited. Yea, screw d fruit basket

A welcome dram awaited. Yea, screw d fruit basket


The view towards the sea. Waaay to cold to dip

The view towards the sea. Waaay to cold to dip


The hall’s got a bar stocked with liquors, liqueurs, and ales. The best part is, it’s open 24 hours, coz it’s help-yourself.






Braveheart eh? My first drink on arrival



Pre-dinner bites






Douglas layaning after-dinner drinks

Douglas layaning after-dinner drinks

We were also very fortunate to be entertained by a father-daughter pair of traditional musicians.

I asked if they could play the soundtrack for Last of The Mohicans, and she made a great attempt.


Enroute to the beach

Enroute to the beach



A farming plot next door


The beach area

The beach area





Lunch at a castle round d corner

Lunch at a castle round d corner


Castle grounds

Castle grounds

Caste window

Castle window


Castle guests

Castle guests


Paradise never smelt so good

Paradise never smelt so good


Indulged in shotguns n clay pigeons

Indulged in shotguns n clay pigeons


I partied quite furiously with these 2 clowns, who're based at the house. Gave them my sound system too, coz they were fascinated by it

I partied quite furiously with these two clowns, who’re based at the house. Gave them my sound system too, coz they were so fascinated by it


More ale

More ale


A hot bath, a cold beer, and cool tunes. Yessiree

A hot bath, a cold beer, and cool tunes. Yessiree


More food

More food


Food at the house was great

Food at the house was just great


It might be quite a distance, but i’d hangout at this pad again in a flash. Fortunately, they accept guests. However, unlike me, you’ll need to pay for it!



Chillin in Serendah

Made a raid to Sekeping Serendah, a forest resort an hour North of the city, organized by my bro.

There’re now various awesome options for weekend getaways, most only an hour from KL. Been to most of ’em now. Luv ’em all!

I should rate them comparatively someday.



Anyway, SS is a great spot too, with several options for accommodation. Since there were quite a few of us, opted for the big-ass Warehouse.

No doors, no walls. No windows too obviously.

The party room

The party room

The chillout spot is downstairs, while there’s a mezzanine floor with two ‘rooms’.

Kids doin their shit

Kids doin their shit

The openness is unsafe for unsupervised children tho, coz many possibilities of falling accidents.





Kampung-style, like my Grandma’s

In steel cups tho. Haha

In steel cups tho. Haha

Bluey hit da road too

Bluey hit da road too

Party spot

Party spot

Trooping in

Trooping in

D place to be

D spot to be

Get clean

Get clean

Main man CA$H!

Ten-hut soldier! Main man CA$H, ready to battle with a watergun


A cool spot for a either a quiet or wild weekend. Will probably be back.



Beer stuff

Did u know that a female beer brewer is known as a Brewster?? Haha

I wish i knew a few brewsters. In fact, i only know two brewers here, and they aint no goddam brewsters.

I do know a few guys who suffer from cenosillicaphobia. No, it’s not the fear of silly caps. It’s fear of an empty beer glass.

You won’t have dat problem with a lil foresight. Why wait till your glass be empty before u order your next beer?? Dont make sense.

I didn’t realize dat this beer i had a few times comes from the world’s oldest brewery. Weihenstephan is the oldest functional brewery, built in 1040.



Quite a few interesting facts bout beer at this site. A total of 24 Facts You Didn’t Know About Beer. But u gotta be quite a Martian not to know all 24. I learnt 13 new facts bout beer.

The first recorded drunk-driving accident was in 2,000 BC. Haha. 4,000 years ago? Who was it? Fred Fuckin Flintstone?

Whoever it was, the punk was crucified. Literally.

There’re also 400 varieties of beer. Not brands. Varieties. Which means i still have several hundred to go thru.


Thirsty now.

Beer - not just for kiddies

Beer – not just for kiddies


Cool a beer in 15 minutes…

…among other cool tricks. Found a list of hacks that is useful in various situations, including travel.

 Bread bag tags and toilet paper cores seem to get several appearances.




Handy one this, tho i can slam them cold


Add Ribena for a funky effect. Haha


Checkitout. Sumtin there for everyone. My fave is:


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