Budget 2012 will be tabled next week by the government.
Will the tax on alcohol be raised further, although it’s already one of the world’s highest?
I dont know. An outlet owner told me this – “my supplier advised me to order extra stock now as the tax is going up.”
Maybe its a rumuor. Either way, that’s why Alcon exists – to fight for fair prices for us from the government and outlets.
Alcon has gotten a lot of media and publicity lately. Hopefully there’s an impact.
We plan a submit a memo to the Ministry of Finance in a few days, so please dont just sign it, but publicize and get your friends to sign too. If we dont hit at least 1.000 signatures, there’s no point handing it over.
Click here.
Do it!
PS: Catch the live interview with Alcon reps on BFM (89.9) this Friday at about 6.30pm with me and Ben Ng. Yea!