Drinking! Yea!
The millenniums-old habit is different things to different people.
It’s an art, an accompaniment, a killer, an addiction, a pastime, an escape.
Yea watever.
This blog is dedicated to alcohol.

Suck on dat!
It’s a beer blog, liquor blog, party & travel blog, and everything in between. Mainly, an alcohol blog.
It’s consumer, trade, and event-based. Will also feature everything from drinking accessories & paraphernalia , cool bar-deco, toddy joints, unconventional interviews with industry people, new booze, reader’s / wino’s stories and weird shit.
So long as it’s alcohol-related.
The blog’s gonna look ugly for a couple of weeks till I figure out how to work it.
Obviously this blog is politically-incorrect.

No, dat ain't a dam root beer
Deep aka the Thirsty Blogger