Get high and get to vote in the next general elections, at a bar. Nice.
All u maggots who havent registered to vote can do so this Saturday and Sunday am & pm.
At Tom, Dick & Harry’s in TTDI Sunday 11am to 5pm, and TDH OKR Saturday from 3pm to 9pm.
Just last week, i got 2 of my friends to register while we were drinkin at Sunway Giza. It took two minutes, and now they can vote for the rest of their lives.
I’m happy with my representative, and will vote for her again.
Today is the one-month anniversary of the historic Bersih 2.0 party, where liberty was stolen, citizens were mistreated, Malaysian blood was spilt, and a life was lost – sacrifices made by your brothers n sistas to ensure your democratic right to select your representative is forever protected.
With all the Indons and Banglas being registered by our govt to vote, Malaysians needs to wake up, and fight to protect our country and way of life from traitors.
If any of these fuckers show up at TDH this weekend (or during the elections), pls whoop their ass! But if ur a Malaysian, register. Otherwise kindly piss off for good to Bangladesh or Jawa or Australia or sumtin.