Generally, I think many chicas are stingy when it comes to goin out, especially clubbing.
Its usually the guys dat have to fork out money for these sessions. You know except for a coupla incidents, I dont see girls buying bottles when partyin with a bunch of friends that include guys. Wattup wit dat? Do they suddenly become inferior & unequal once they step into a club/bar?
I usually don’t mind and it’s never bothered me, but after many years of seeing d same ol shit, it got me thinking out loud here. Coz I dislike inequality / discrimination.
Just coz guys don’t say anything, we cant assume its cool. In my opinion, Malaysian guys are just too nice to females to say sumtin. Or maybe they feel sorry for ’em for some reason.
And its not like wimin cant guzzle. Some do a better job than a lot of men. (I wish there were more of ‘em. Haha)
And the problem is a lot of them dont even bother to say “thank you”. Now dats real rude.

No issues at freeflows tho
Some chics would hit a bill for hundreds of bucks with their gerlfrens on some dumb meal that looks like a goddam toy-on-a-plate at some over-priced, capitalistic, foreign-sounding joint, but wont take out a few bucks when partyin. These are the weird ones.
They’d even take out fuckin calculators to count the group’s share to the goddam cents.
In fact, tho it happens, its not that often u’d see girls go party together and get a bottle for themselves. Wat, they cant afford it? Why do they usually need guys around to get senget? (The only exception I can think of is a hen’s nite or a birthday)
Point here is – Tho i personally find it to be a fun job, I don’t see any concrete reason why partying, drinking and getting plastered should be a responsibility that’s shoved to the males in the group.
(Wat if your male frens are a bunch of sissies who don’t party hard?? Ur screwed! Haha)
U know wat, I’d love to go out one night (or every week!) with gerls and not have to bother about booze. Just sit my brown ass down on d couch, and wait for them to sort d shit out.
I don’t wanna know from where or who d dam booze came from. I just drink. Play d dumb blonde.
Coz dats exactly what many girls would do.
Alcohol just not just appear from thin-air. SOMEBODY has to pay for it.
I guess some women aren’t very liberated. And not as independent as they think they are.
Most women wanna be treated as equals by men and by society. Thing is, u gotta act like equals if u wanna be seen as equals, right?
OK. Prove me wrong (please!). I’ll be glad. And hopefully, drunk.