As usual, after they fuck-up, the government tries to do damage-control. So now, Muslims may attend the Guinness gig. Whether guests will be able to drink is unknown. Probably not.
They were actually going to do a booze-free and Muslim-free party? How inappropriate and insulting, especially the Muslim-free part. What a disaster.
How dahell did we allow ourselves to get to this situation?
The thing is many event organizers (this event is by Galaxy Group) usually care about makin sure the event happens, so they make their profits. I guess they dont care if the sell Malaysian citizens out while they do it. That’s extremely selfish and unpatriotic, dont u think?
They aint gonna fight for our rights.
If everybody in dis country did exactly what the government ordered, this country would be fucked. Dat’s why the government keeps doin u-turns – coz the People make it clear whenever they fuck up. Which is often. Thats our responsibility as citizens.
Been kindly offered a free ticket or 2 by d organizer’s rep. Not sure if am goin tho. Companies and event organizers that sell-out our rights so easily to the authorities for the sake of a gig, turn me off. What efforts were made by them to protest against such stupid rules? What will they be doing in the future to ensure this kinda crap dont happen again?
Respect our rights.
This whole incident has left behind a bad taste and bad vibes. The worst part is it’s supposed to be an ‘entertainment’ event.