Yea Zouk had the anniversary party a few weeks back.
It was awhile since I partied hard there, so decided to max out. With my bro, Jacqueline, Khang & Adian.

Loch Ness makes an appearance
Started with a beer, then Scotch all d way. Stupid bartenders at Terrace did not allow me to take a drink for my friend. “Ask him to come personally.”
What?? I said “that’s only gonna add to d messy congestion at d bar.” But wat to do, stupid rules are stupid rules.

U want a fist up yor ass boy?
I mean booze is sponsored anyway for these events. What u tryin to stinge for man? Wat, I’m gonna sell that extra drink to someone?
In that case I’d rather pay for my goddam drinks.
Moved to Velvet, my fave spot in Zouk. Met a couple more frens there.

Then Barsonic, and it was time to unleash d artillery – Long Island jugs.

Doin it... My bro Anil, Khang n me
Gosh. Next thing I know I was waking up to go to work. What happened when we left Barsonic, blank.
Me n my bro don’t remember goin for lok-lok, catching d cab, or gettin into bed. [Actually my bro found himself on my floor, lying on my laundry. I guess he couldn’t make it to d couch, 2 meters away.]
Yup, a big night.
Brain damage rating: 8/10