Comin up this Saturday, as Party Season 2011 peaks, is… a party.
And it’s an invite-only gig. So there’ll be music n free booze (lager that is).
It’s kinda all-expense paid.
It’s a 12-hour event by Carlsberg that’s called Where’s The Party?
It’s a secret, and u’ll know when the chartered bus gets u there.
The last one went down at a resort in Sepang, and it was fat, at the Golden Palm Tree Resort. Massages n various fun games too.
I’d love it to be at the beach, but who knows. Wherever, it shd be interesting.
So, interested? The first 10 people who like the Facebook page from this blog will win a ticket. Easy!
Not sure how they will give it out tho. TODAY (Thu) is the last day for tickets.
The best part is – i can get sumtin too – if 100 readers from here like that page, i get a camera.
And if u only knew what baaad shape my goddam camera is in at the mo, u’ll really like the page! Here.