The blog lifts off!

Launched this blog last Thursday early evening. Was one helluva party. 20 bottles say so!

Don’t remember what happened between 12am and 1am. One of ’em D.I.A. moments (Drink-Induced Amnesia). Anyway, the post is based on what i do remember. If u were there, u can help fill in da blanks.

Guests could mix their own cocktails

Guests could mix their own cocktails. Hence the drunkeness

6pm Meet the lounge manager and discuss program & flow. Start set-up

Drinking starts. Thank God for the Early Birds Club

Some of the esteemed members of da Early Birds Club

Some of the esteemed members of da Early Birds Club gettin high

First bottle opened is a Smirnoff Black. Bar staff look at us funny. We had hardly started the set-up and we already asked for a bottle and start drinking

Make two welcome drinks at the cocktails station:

– 1) Kelapa Rock – 7 coconuts worth of mixers are ready

– 2) The Yeltsin Boogie ’09 – empty two litres of Smirnoff Black into a punch bowl, then add relevant mixers (minimal). Bar staff continue watching the fun, trying to suss out what kind of event this will be

Designated drink-testers get to work, & nod heads in approval. Adjust taste of d punch to make it go down faster.

Cocktail station is ready. Some very thirsty people around

Music’s rockin

Intoxication sets in pretty quick. Haha. The punch never fails

Go grab your welcome drinks!

Go grab your welcome drinks!

7pm Event ‘officially’ starts

Fadly takes up position at media/guest registration. I fix him a stiff drink


7.30 Most early birds are quite high. Cocktails going fast

Mix 'em up!

Mix 'em up!

8pm Kelapa Rock is number one drink for d nite. Sold out! Some fans wanna rename it Kepala Rock. Watever

Mike steals d recipe. Will have to kill him

Fadly abandons guest registration table to join d party and get high

La Clandestine absinthe station at the bar opens. Adian finds his spot for da nite

Some new-arrivals tell me that I look high. No shit

The right way to do absinthe is to allow cold water to slowly piss on it

The right way to do absinthe is to allow cold water to slowly piss on it


9pm Launch protocol time. Everyone quite blasted

MC says some stuff

I get up front and give a ‘speech’. Was quite blazed, so rock n roll speech. Wasted some booze on my crotch during speech – never hold drink n mic in same hand n try to sip

Pink champagnes are passed to all guests. I get a bottle of it. Blast the cork into space – blog launched!

Raised glasses, “Salud!”, drink

Launch sequence complete. Heavier-drinking starts

Pizzas n stuff served

'Speech' it seems

'Speech' it seems


Between 10pm-1am

Photographer down. Damn. He passes out for awhile, and gets his pictures taken instead

Various absinthe sessions break-out at the bar. Michelle from TWE busy getting everyone high on The Hulk – absinthe shooter placed in half a pint Guinness – down at one go. My buddy Adian hangs at the absinthe station all nite. As I promised during the speech, he did receive the event’s ‘door gift’ the next morning – a hangover

At the cocktail station, 11th bottle of vodka is opened. Lotsa mingle-mingle goin on

I’m in a hazy state of being, moving (more like floating) about all around d lounge. Bother the chicks whenever I can. Make them more cocktails

Open a 3rd bottle of absinthe –  alcos head to d bar like fly to shit

Drinking festival

Drinking festival


1am Launch finally ends. Seven hours of drinking. Everyone senget, including bar staff. Haha

Carry a body outta there. Dump her on the couch at our pad. Dont remember drivin home


2am+ After-party at our pad. Don’t remember much of this


3.30am After-party ends


4am Dreamland. A 10-hour party for me


One thing that was not done that night after the ‘speech’ was the Question & Answer session. Nevermind, u can ask your silly questions here.

A big thank you & salud to Shirley & Riche Monde for the case of Smirnoff Black one-liter bottles and some Johnnie Walkers, and TWE for some absinthe. Modesto’s Tao Lounge at TTDI Plaza was the right choice for d event. Extremely accommodating, great service, superb food! I only had to instruct the staff ONCE about how i wanted da nite to flow. If u ever wanna do an event, Camy’s yor niga ( Modesto’s – still the BEST goddam pizzas in KL!

Grand total of bottles i opened – 16 liquors, 4 champagnes

Thanks to all who helped, and Joyce for some pictures. And to The Star for the coverage.

Since everybody said they had a blast, will plan a similar-style party for the blog’s first anniversary. Or if dat’s too far away, 6-month anniversary, or my birthday in November. Haha!

A crowd of about 40 swallowed 20 bottles. Ruthless mafuckers! Well done and thank u for joining in d festivities!!

Drink on!

A couple of dodgy people tried to swipe an absinthe

A couple of dodgy chicks tried to swipe an absinthe but were caught and spanked

Dont know wats so funny

Dont know wats so funny. Dont know wats in d shooter either

The evil absinthe witch and her new sidekick at work

Da evil absinthe witch Michelle & her new sidekick Adian brewin sum shit

Henry hangin wit sum wimen

Henry hangin wit sum wimin

Eddy n Khang sharing The Hulk - supposed to down it, not share. Pussies

Eddy n Khang sharing The Hulk - supposed to down it, not pass around. Pussies

Dont ask

Dont ask

Feeding Joyce more cocktail, tho she's obviously already in La La land

Feeding Joyce more cocktail, tho she's obviously already in La La land



Brain damage rating: 9/10


Standing by…

to launch the blog today. Haha!

Time to drink up!

Time to drink up!

Havent been posting in a couple of days. Busy. Will make up soon!

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