D price of Guinness draft has been dropping steadily since it was introduced. There were quite a few promos before St Paddy’s Fest. Fear not, u can still get some deals at these four outlets, among others.
Btw Connor’s Irish Stout has a promo at Deutsche Haus in TTDI (and i think DP) – $34.50 for two pints all day, everyday. = $17.25 NETT a pint. And there’s kick-ass pork knuckle!
Fitou by the chillout lake in Desa Park City has d best afternoon happy hours gig as all drafts (incl Guinness) at $50 for three pints, which is $16.66 NETT each. 12pm-5pm including weekends. Niice.
Sid’s (all outlets) Guinness is $19.55 NETT all night for April.
PUBLIC in TTDI Plaza has d sweetest deal coz its permanent – $18.40 NETT – all day, everyday, all year!
But d best price for a pint at d mo is at Tex-Mex specialist Frontera in Jaya One – only 15 bucks NETT from 10pm until closing DAILY. When other’s happy hours have ended, Frontera’s is just beginning! Until May 5th. (A pitcher of Tiger is $30 NETT.) Real tequilas & margaritas too. And killa chili cheese burger.
Still, d prices could go lower. Its only beer after all. Look forward to when its closer to ten bucks than 20. Am sure we’ll all drink a lot more!

I don’t even drink lager much these days anymore because the price of stout is so much closer to lager anyway!
Hmmm. Not really la. I could have two beers for every Guinness
Guiness at Artista, Tropicana City going at 3 Pints @ RM50nett all nite long. Not VERY happening compared to others, but if looking for a relax and chill nite, this is the place to be.
Oh ya .. parking is allowed. : )
Cool. Pretty reasonable. Tx man! But i guess if its all nite, u wont need to park d drinks
last time u did mention Spaghetti Grill in midvalley selling dirt cheap guinness ?
That is assuming if it’s only 2 person. The 3rd pint has to park loh. : )
Or you already bottoms up the 1st pint when served. : )
O ok, i see wt u mean Simon. TY ur right, completely forgot about the best deal ever for Guinness – Spaghetti Grill at Megamall! I’ve linked it here. Tx!
Cool .. I’ve been hearing a lot about Spag Grill and their deals. Have yet to check it out!
Do it!
I think all the above guinness promo is second best to S’Mores RM12Nett a pint of Guinness. From Thursday, Fri & Saturday till 10 pm. So far, it’s the BEST Guinness Deal in town
Agree with you man