Those are the only words to describe d premium stuff i had recently.
I was introduced to a new form of amazing ‘cultivated’ toddy, which is unheard of as toddy is pretty wild n naturally-produced. A friend of August Boozepimp Kennhyn brought some to this tasting lunch we had at Kissaten, which serves great rock ‘n roll Japanese cuisine at Jaya One, PJ.
Regular toddy is made from regular coconuts, and fermentation takes place on the tree by wild yeasts. But this limited edition batch we had is from the more fragrant pandan coconut, and fermentation is conducted in a controlled environment, away from the tree. A specially-cultivated yeast is then added to produce some ridiculously-awesome shit.
The aroma is fruity, and so is the taste. Almost like real coconut water. Its also fizzy, and extremely refreshing. I immediately asked for five bottles the next time.
Its light, and alcohol content is between 3-4%.
Unfortunately its not being mass-produced. Yet. The dude who made it in his pandan coconut orchard in Bentong plans to get d necessary paperwork done so he can sell it in an organized manner. Should do the same with my cider!
From the tasting session, the consensus was that this brew would be able to do well.
I say go for it man. Its time for some local brew to be bottled and sold in supermarkets n exported n shit.

wa does look good!
It is! I’ve had toddy many times, and find it an ordinary drink. But this version…. goddam!
Damn!!! Where to get this?
Emm, at d moment, in your dreams. Haha. The process of getting the paperwork done is goin on. So as soon as its commercially-available/launched, i’ll try to ensure the world knows about it
Yah need some local drinks man!
The stuff is too awesome… I better call Lo and ask him to bring me to Banting… Join me Deep?
U mean Bentong. Yea set it up man!
I’ve tasted it every year … Lo make it for special occasion on celebration and we all get so HIGH and HEALTHY
is a must product to shout out about.
Looking for production partner nie la.
Lo is a Master Brewer
Am lookin forward to Mr Lo’s next batch for sure. My birthday is comin up. Maybe can request for a few bottles!
Yea, he used to be with brewery Carlsberg Malaysia
any updates on this booze yet?
Yup! It’s out on d market, but a more ‘sanitized’ version. Pretty alright. It’s called Coco Cabana and you can get it at Jusco stores. Two versions – regular or strong. 8% or 12%. Pretty good. Try it out. Am gonna write about it soon.