World Cup 2010 South Africa is here – one month of consistent happy hours and late-nights.
There goes gym.
Bars will be the main financial beneficiaries of d tournament. Its a great windfall for them. Competition is stiff. Good.
Btw, the offical World Cup tune n video below. Called Waving Flags. Performed by K’naan, some African dude. Enjoy.
Anyway, some real sweet deals for drinkers goin on, especially at the newer establishments. Mostly for beers of course. Thank God for competition. (Note: All prices i post is always the nett price.)
Many outlets have been given exemption by city hall for one month to open till 5am. Kitchens are also open late for snacks n shit.
Probably the best u’ll ever get is at Movida (Sunway Giza, Kota D’sara, PJ). They got one-for-one deals from NOON till 10pm! And then again from 2am to 5am. Daily.
Here it is –

Drink dat, u alcos!
Paulaner & Kilkenny at $36.80 nett for two pints ($18.40 each) is pretty good. And $33.35 for two Guinnesses ($16.70 each). I doubt it can be matched at the moment. Its got a super-sized screen inside. All HD of course. Will most def checkitout.
Close by, The Beer Factory (6141-6450) (which will be featured soon) has a big-ass screen n beer deals too –

Erdinger, Stella, Hoegaarden, Franziskaner at $46 for two pints, until midnight. Definitely whoops The Library’s fat ass. ($36 for a Hoegaarden is insane.) Carlsberg is $34.50/pitcher at the Factory.
Over in TTDI, there’s good action too.
At PUBLIC (7729-9650) in TTDI Plaza, u can get a 2-liter special hand-blown Winner’s Trophy glass from Germany filled with Tiger for $180. Or a limited edition pint glass (5 designs) with Tiger for $25 net. Am sure there’re other deals too.
Deutsches Gasthaus on Lrg Rahim Kajai 14 has $25 nett for a pint of Hoegaarden, Franziskaner, Stella of Leffe. All nite. No fat screens as far as i know.
At Sid’s, its $19.55 for a pint of Guinness all nite. Also for Tiger. Its $10 nett i think. From noon. Full HD.
S’Mores at The Sphere in Bangsar South has a variety of bottled beers and get this – TWO pints of Guinness for 20 bucks net, from 5pm-7pm daily! The most awesomest. Other times, its $50 net for three pints. Also, for bottles – $50 for 3 Hoegaarden, and $75 for any three of these – Erdinger, Ludwig, Franziskaner, Erdinger or Weihenstephan. I dont think there’s a large screen tho.
Frontera (7958-8515) @ Jaya One has a variety of deals.
5pm till closing:
Tiger mug @ $10 nett
Tiger jug @ $33 nett
Guinness (2 Pints) @ $33 nett ($16.50/pint)
Fridays (5pm-8pm):
Tiger Crystal Beer @ $1 nett per btl (1st btl at $28)
For the World Cup (All day & nite):
2 Jugs of Tiger Beer + Habanero Hot Wings @ $91
1 Bucket of Sol Beer + fre 2 Shots of Sauza Tequila @$79
During all MEXICO games:
Buy 1 btl Sol Beer & get 1 btl Sol Beer free (During non-Mexico games: Buy 1 btl Sol Beer & get 1 Shot of Sauza Tequila free)
Score prediction game:
Get 1 Score Prediction Card for each $50 spend. Predict the right score & win a Jug of Margarita (One winner per game).
Bubbles has 3 pitchers of Tiger for $90 net. Guinness & Kilkenny is $18 for a pint and $50 for 3. Paulaner is $23 net.
Still, overall, Movida is recommended, coming out tops by far in terms of variety and hours.
Lower prices are always welcomed, coz thats higher consumption. Am sure there’re other promos dat am gonna come across – will update in d comments section.
Feel free to add-on any good promos, until July 11. Appreciate the feedback if u go to any of the above joints.
Goddam i wish it was World Cup all year!
Brain damage: Should be pretty dam extensive

Ecoba: 11am-6pm daily – Hoegaarden: $40 nett for 2 pints, Carlsberg: $100 for 3 jugs. LCD screens & projector
Somo: DIY! Enjoy cold Tiger draught free flow by tapping your own at only $48 nett per person. Daily from 530 – 9pm only. In Mont Kiara
Sweet beer prices @ Spring Lounge, Quattro – Guinness draft $15 nett/pint; Kilkenny $16 nett/pint. Tiger – $29 nett/pitcher. All nite every nite
PUBLIC (TTDI Plaza) – two jugs of Paulaner draft at only $65 for the World Cup games. It’s open for both semifinals. Not sure if its nett or + 15%.