Steve Webster (only 18) should be DEAD, according to the doctors! A crate of beer, plus 1.5 bottles of Absolut and one bottle of Sambuca?? And still walkin around??
Daam. Alien.
Steve will need 10 kilos of bacon for d hangover! He probably holds d world record for most drinks consumed by an individual (that survived).
Scientists should cut him up ASAP. And clone his liver. Hardcore shit.
The most I ever drank alone is…. hmmm.. Don’t think I’ve ever gotten totalled by myself. Normally need teammates / cheerleaders. Coz i’m not an alco.
My max for beer is probably like a dozen. Guinness maybe 10, liquor not sure – at least half a bottle, wine probably 2 bottles, cocktails – 1.5 jugs (Long Island).
But i tend to mix em up n create cocktails – in my stomach.

Deeps, love the blog – the article just shows nobody does bingeing like the Brits.
Haha! Thanks!
Maybe ur right man. The young hooligans dont know when to stop
why drink so much, do you enjoy drinking it or just for the sake of alcohol rush?
Haha. Both