… a pint of Hoegaarden only costs about $12?
And so a half pint is only $6?
Well now u know!
Are drinkers here gettin scammed?
Some outlets sell a pint at $25, some close to $30, some more than that! And a half pint close to 20 bucks! Massive marking-up like these should be made a criminal offense dammit. Dats why Malaysians’ purchasing power never improves – greedy, short-term minded businesses.

Not worth half as much as u think
The right price for a pint of Hoegaarden (Carlsberg Malaysia) should be $15 – $20. And a half pint no more than $10. It aint a premium drink.
Bars the world over dont mark-up their prices so much, esp for beer! They aren’t short-term minded capitalistic wannabe millionaires, and rely on a higher turnover over a longer period.
The cost for a pint at a bar in Europe (after mark-up of course, and considering their costs and overheads are much higher) is only between 3 to 4 Euros! (Even if u convert, its between $12-$16).
I wdnt pay more than 20 bucks for this beer.
While bars here mark-up beers like Tiger, Carlsberg etc, by about $5 (max $10), they mark-up Hoegaarden by $20, sometimes more! So here comes the inevitable question – Why??, iĀ hear u scream.
Good question. Go ask the bar owners. Am sure they’ll come up with some good excuses.
My opinion? Greed.

nothing to do with additional tax?
Nope. $12 already includes tax
Where’s the cheapest in KL?
Sids? Brussels? La-Bodega?
Not sure where is d cheapest (pretty sure it aint Brussels Beer Cafe!), but i know where they’re over-charging! It’s kinda obvious. On your next visit to your fave bar, have a look at d price.
Maybe some Hoegaarden regulars out there can assist Hoegaarden-Lover? I know dat Beer Factory has two for $46 nett, ie $23 a pint.
AUD$10 is fine, as it’s just like us paying 10 ringgit. Anyway, the minimum wage there means $10 isn’t excessive, unlike here.
I’m not sure which are Ringgit or USD, but here in Melbourne, we pay about AUD$10 a pint. I guess that’s also because it’s not really in high demand here when we have access to other boutique beer. Hoegaarden then seems to be more “Carlsberg/Tiger” compared to the rest š
Looking at the prices of beers there make my head go dizzy. Fortunately, the prices of beers here are still ‘smugglingly’ good. š
Yea. Sarawakians gotta sweet deal – good ol smugglers. They doin a great service to society. Wadya expect when u try to murder ppl with beer prices.
Btw, will b there soon!
Friendscino (formerly Friendster Cafe) in Damansara Perdana was having a promo right after their opening. Ladies get 1 Hoe pint for free from 5-6pm everyday – just write down your name & email. Not sure if they are still doing it though.
At that price, I’d rather go for something else either stronger or less likely to taste watered down.
Sid’s only has Hoegaarden in bottle form. Funky Villa used to have buy one free one during happy hours at round 33 a pint I think. How bout Library and TDH?
Here’s some news for you…
i love hoegaarden and wanted it to be the main feature in my new bar in PJ called FLY Bar…guess what? they said i don’t qualify to have a tap and should start with bottles first! and i told them that visually a tap is more exciting to customers than bottles…they never got back to me even after many calls for them to reconsider…. Last minute[day before] before my grand launch i called up a pal in GAB and immediately switched to Tiger and Guinness draft….not drinking Hoegaarden anymore thank you… what to do? Indian owner maa!
In Glasgow Scotland (UK) we pay about Ā£4.10 for a pint and Ā£2.90 for a half depending on the bar.
Check out our hoegaarden locator if ever in Glasgow and need a drink š
Glasgow eh? Will KIV.
The Library charges $36 a pint (unhappy hours), which is goddam ridiculous by any standards. Dats a mark-up of $24 for every glass! Tom Dick & Harry’s charge similar prices. I think about $30 each. And ur right, at dat price, i’ cd go for sumtin a lot stronger, like two whiskies or sumtin.
Well Jay, with GAB u got Guinness. Nuff said.
Might wanna share tiz info with you..
Skewers at Subang Avenue..their Hoegarden’s going quite cheap for a pint…much lower that any place at moment.
You might wanna check it out….
Hoegaarden price in m’sia clubs & pub is damn ridiculous. i won’t even bother to order 1. i rather get a pint of guinness or paulaner…
Yea agreed TY.
So MaryJane how much is it at Skewers?
Yo Deep,
If it’s not mistaken, a pint there cost abt RM16..it was a weekday..I din pay the bill , my mates paid and said its cheaper than elsewhere…going to check out again on weekends….
OK tx, keep us posted when u do
RM36 a pint of Hoegaarden can get me TWO pints of Guinness at Sid’s WTF!
yup, it’s a bloody rip-off. RM34-something for a pint of Hoegaarden at Hard Rock, and Miracles selling the 330cl bottle for RM19! I was damn pissed off, especially at the latter, cos I expect to pay through my nose at HRC.
This is why I carry a mobile lah. Bars are the ones who gonna lose in the end when more people get pissed off.
Hey Deep, do you have a list of places with good prices for beer somewhere on this blog? I fuckin refuse to pay that much anymore; can call me a cheapskate, but I’ll just buy a bottle from the supermarket, chill nicely and stand outside the pub and drink it before I go in. At Craft Brews I pay about RM25 for the bottled American brews, and I think the Road Dog is worth it lah. But no more RM34 Hoegaarden.
34 bucks for a goddam beer is plain stupid.
Yea i did recently feature bars that have beer promos – scroll down to Great Football Drinks.
I plan to keep publicizing bars that are reasonably priced (whether it promo price or permanent price), but cant do it alone. Need help from all yall, coz the more eyes n ears d better!
Also, me n some other ‘influential drinkers’ (haha) are planning to start something along d lines of a consumer group. U’ll be informed
Hi Deep,
Just checked with Craft Brews – Hoegaarden is RM20/pint (12noon – 6pm) – thats good, RM 25/pint (6pm – 8pm) – thats umm OK and RM30/pint (8pm till closing) – thats really bad.
They used to have a good offer when they just opened – RM 59/ for 3 pints up till 8pm – the cheapest anywhere at that time.
Another thing is the bars in Solaris – the prices of beer differs quite a bit as you move around (from RM 50/jug down to RM 32/jug!!). So please shop around when drinking there. Irish Clover Leaf bar in Solaris had an opening offer – RM 60/ for 4 pints of Guinness (don’t know if it’s still on tho’)
Hey man. Thanks for sharing. Keep ’em comin! Only if we share info we’ll all get good deals.
Are d prices at Craft Brew net? Coz if they’re not, then not so good anymore.