The Raya holidays was a blast. Hence, no blog entries. Havin too much fun. Haha
Managed a two-day excursion to Kuala Kubu Baru / KKB, my fave spot in da world. Thanks to Tiffany who had keys to a hut in the Orang Asli village of Pertak, which lies next to the Pertak River.
So we loaded up with extra-strong imported beers, a bottle of Smirnoff, white wine n BBQ pit. The idea was to chill of course.
I’ve stayed in Pertak before, courtesy of an old friend, Antares. And have stayed by Chilling River (further up the road) as well, in a bungalow, and in tents on d riverbank. They all rock. KKB’s Selangor River is also a great spot for rafting. Grade 3 to 4.
Arrived later afternoon, and was welcomed by a bunch of dogs n pups.
The bitch squirted out 9 pups! Jeez, dats why she so skinny now. One died, so 8 left, if anybody wants.
Our pad was a little bungalow in d village. It was perfect. Fridge, sink, beds & porch – dats all u need.
Swim-swim, drink-drink, bbq-bbq. Nice-nice. Hope to do it again real soon.
Brain damage rating: 7/10

Such a coool place eh! Brown brown shd be named Coco-coco, lolz!
Dude, any idea wat’s da room rate for the hut and bungalow?
Yea Marc. He’s one of d few pups that’s not got d colours of a Dutch cow!
If u watched Lord of War, u’ll know what Brown Brown is.
D place i stayed at aint for rent.
Bamboo Palace – i gotta check with Antares, coz i think its only for friends.
D other option is d bungalow by Chilling River dat i wrote about. But its fuckin $600/nite for 8 pax, but enough beds for 12+.