Alcochef Keith Floyd is dead. Heart attack. Since he jalan aged 65, i cant really say he subscribed to the Bohemian motto “Live Fast, Die Young.” He tried hard tho. Good attempt.
He was a committed drinker. Wine sales will be affected.
His final drink was a glass of red – Fils Cotes de Rhone. It was a 2007 – good year. I was bumming.
Surprisingly, he did not die of liver failure, which means its ok to drink as much as u want!
Must have been food and cigarettes that nailed him.

At least they won’t need to embalm him, he’s already pickled.
Man, gotta admit gonna miss the dude on telly. If there was any chef who knew the meaning of having a good time while you work, he is it!!! Always opens his show with a drink in hand and ends the show the same way. Cheers Floyd..may you rest in peace!!
Rather than rest in peace, more appropriate would be rest pissed