Coffee junkies – i know they’re lots out there – can get a double-high with coffee liqueurs, courtesy of two legit drugs – caffeine & alcohol.
Coffee liqueurs are limited to two major brands – Kahlua (Mexico) & Tia Maria (ABV Jamaica). Well there’s a third now in Malaysia – Illyquore from Italy.
Its ABV is 28%, and is normally taken over ice. Some like it with milk, and is used in cocktails too. Or as a digestif (post-meal).

Nothing very Arabic about it
Illy is known for its coffee, now booze as well. The liqueur has adopted the Illy’s Arabica coffee taste, and added sugar & alcohol.
It launched recently at Pavillion’s Illy Espressamente, a cute modern cafe on the outside. Stupid-ass brain forgot to bring my camera. And most of d official photographer’s shots are of food. Huh?
Obviously he’s not a drinker.
Luv d bottle, real sleek.
Its said to be the only coffee liqueur on the international market without added aromas and/or colouring. Its beans are 100% Arabica. It’s easy to drink on the rocks.
Illy worked together with another Italian giant, Campari, to produce this product. It was launched in Italy in 2008.

Coffee cocktails
At the launch, various cocktails were served. Cold and hot!
llyquore (pronounced Illy cure ray) will be available at bars and retails. RRP is $118.
Brain damage: 8.5/10
On a related matter…
I think i had too many cocktails that evening. The cocktails were made from coffee and the alcohol added in was also coffee-based. So double-whammy. Tho we left at 8pm, i was buzzing in bed till 6am! My buddy Henry was trippin till 9am. Amazing.
Dats wat happens when ur not a regular coffeehead.
I suffered serious caffeine overdose / intoxication. There were some bad trips, such as these. Freaked out. I was tense, jittery, depressed, and not knowing why. Haha! Worst part was the rambling, uncontrollable mind. People have been hospitalized. But u seriously need to drink a lot to o/d.
You can kill someone by makin ’em drink too much coffee. Like 50 cups. And from my experience, its def a torturous, confusing way to die! Real slow too.
U learn sumtin new everyday.

Haha. Coffee + Alcohol…. sounds like my kinda drink! 😀 I might even try adding some espresso in it. haha.
U wanna kill yorself go ahead
Hmm, does that mean you don’t want that bottle you won? Or is that what contributed to the buzz??
I want! I like liqueurs, liquors, beers, wines, etc. Haha! Just that i O/D-ed. In moderation, everytings fiiine. But i’ll pass my bottle to a coffee connoisseur
My threshold for coffee is actually higher than my tolerance for Alcohol, thanks to many consecutive late nights at the mamak drinking Nescafe Tarik Besar Kao during uni times. haha.
I prefer Sheridan’s Coffee Layered Liqueur, any given time. I’m not so sure about the taste compared to those you mentioned earlier, but I’m sure as hell it’s fucking beautiful, the way they mix man. You pour them also can get trippy, of course after about 7 glasses.
I always buy this at duty-free shops in Langkawi (can’t remember which shop but at the Kuah Town), can’t find it in KL though. Let me know if you know.
I have one bottle of Sheridan’s sitting in my fridge. Forgot to bring it out during my cocktail party thingy haha. It’s interesting, kinda like mixing Kahlua and Baileys.
I had 2 white russians made with this illy stuff tonight and i’m bouncing off the walls. The alcohol wore off about an hour ago and i’ve since read 2 newspapers in an effort to fall asleep. Damn, my 9 month old will be up in less than 6 hours! HELP! 🙂
Haha! Good luck riding it out