Hit the southern Thai isle for my birthday the last few days. The trip required us to go thru Langkawi.
No complaints there. So we did an overnight.
It was an opportunity to stock-up on all sorts of drinks for the trip.
I had partied till 5am the night before, so was hoping for a relatively early nite on Langkawi. To be ready for Lipe n all.
By the time i took a chilly ride on my scooter back to the room, morning prayers were in the air. And i had yet to even open my luggage!
No time. Haha
Beers at Lipe are priced similarly as Langkawi, ie about 5 bucks at a bar, 3 bucks at a convenience store. However it’s best to BYO other liquids from Lgk.
Sleep was a premium (no time). Definitely a great trip!
I hear Tioman Island is similar these days, with it being chilled-out, duty-free n all. Might hit that next.
Brain damage: 8/10

Skyfall… very original ah you. Heh heh!
OK la, just for u, i changed it. a became e. Haha
Hah hah hah Skyfell! Spas. Buy you a belated drink or 2 soon! 🙂
You should consider writing a book. You could be th Holden Caulfield (or JD Salinger) of Malaysia. The GreatMalaysian novel. Think about it.
Haha! U gotta be kidding
No I am not kidding. Your post of the Hard Rock Cafe outing was good. Potential!
Haha. The Night Train incident eh