Got a cold? Feel like ripping your nose off, or sticking a vacuum cleaner into your nostrils? Forget Clarinese. And dont waste time at the clinic. Have some natural, non-chemical remedy instead – alcohol.
Been havin a cold for a coupla days, tho i been partying a lot d last few days too. Including popping Clarinese and Panadols, and washing ’em down with bourbon n vodka. Explains why i havent updated here for quite a few days.
I tot i’d check out whats the best way to feel better, utilizing booze rather than chems. My grandma, she always recommended some brandy (neat) with lemon.
I hope we all got some grandma remedies that we can remember, n pass on. Am sure they have some basis.
What Granny recommended was kinda like a Hot Toddy. A Hot Toddy is not referring to the regular toddy most people think of, but it refers to a hot cocktail, made of a shot of either whisky, rum or brandy, mixed with hot tea, plus lemon and honey.
It’s a well-known and popular remedy to make your nose and respiratory system feel relief, especially from congestion or a runny nose. And its all-natural. And u could probably get a nice lil buzzzz.
I think all liquors are fine. Avoid cold beers tho (which i didnt).
Anyway, came across a piece on Liquor Snob. Here are some of the recommended hot cocktails to relief the symptoms of a cold.
Hot T&T
The Ts here are for toddy & tequila. Boil water, pour into a mug, add a teabag. Sink a shot of tequila, squeeze some lime, and a tablespoon of honey. Sip ‘n enjoy.
The Hot-Headed Cuban (aka Tony Montana)
The Hot Headed Cuban is derived from a combination of the Mojito and the Crazy Cuban. Its meant to relieve sore throat, stuffy head and nose, and body aches. This drink requires mint tea. Add one shot of your favorite rum to the hot tea, and half a shot of Amaretto, and squeeze in half a lime.
To upgrade the cocktail from Hot Headed Cuban to Tony Montana, sprinkle in some coke, and scream “Puto!” after u down it.
Spicy Hot Toddy
Fill a tea pot with hot water, add freshly-squeezed lemon juice, a shot of bourbon and throw in some Jalapeño peppers, either fresh or pickled.
Anyway, just got back from a long Sunday afternoon of drinking at Luna Bar, and my cold seems to have significantly lessened. I had vodka, whisky, and a few tequila shots. So maybe any liquor helps!

Yup, always do the same.
My recipe =
1 packet of lemsip
1 good squeeze of lemon juice
1 tbsp of honey
2 shots of whisky/brandy
*Blogjumping from somewhere untraceable*
Nice tips you got here. U have any that doesnt involve any amount of spirit at all, or just a little? because my flu is getting on my nerves and spoiling my drives.
Neway, nice site. 🙂
Yea, u cd have the same stuff, without d boost, ie Hot Mocktails. Haha.
Wont be as effective, but they still work. Honey especially is heaty, so helps clear colds. (talking like pro..).
They call me Doc Feelgood.
Thanks Doc. The honey made it all the easier to bear. didnt remember anything after that. LOL