I’m all for variety in drinks, but this might be pushing it. There’s been flavours marketed like bubble-gum, tea and grass (not weed, tho an acquintance is workin on dat, the criminal).
But checkit –Bacon-flavoured vodka is d new rage in Seattle.
Wats the mixer for it? Mafuckin mustard??

Drink your meat. No need for lok-lok after boozing anymore
Talk about double-haram.
Mmmmmm…… baaacoonn. I luuv bacon man, wat it being a hangover cure n all. Its da shit. But aint sure bout gettin drunk on bacon. And dont know how many bacony beverages i could down.
We’ll need to create a new phrase to replace pissed drunk: pigged drunk.
Mabuk babi?
I’d rather keep my meat on d plate and outta my fuckin glass. But then again, it could be soo dam good dat i’d OD, n die.
Bakon vodka is by Black Rock Spirits, Washington. There’s an FB group too. More than 6,000 meat-hungry fans. Its only available in US at d mo. Supposedly it makes a good bloody mary.

I bet d bacon will taste fucked once u eat it
But its dead easy to make yourself. There are DIY tips online. If u do, pls lemme try.
I’ll bring d mustard.

I’m thinking of trying the DIY bacon vodka – soak the bacon in vodka for 2 weeks or so. (Just a small bottle, obviously, and I’m gonna use Absolut. No Bacon in my Imperia please!)
Yah I imagine the only real good use for this would be to mix it with tomatoe juice – that might quite rock.
Shaolintiger: Apparently it makes a kickass Bloody Mary. hehe.
Yo Eyeris, how dat bacon vodka comin along man? Shd be all set by now