Whats the largest glass of booze u ever had? Mine was a bucket-sized glass of Hoegaarden, but it was shared.
Some Irish dude ordered a pint in California – an 8 feet high one. Haha! It was probably a publicity stunt for Guinness.
Dis d only picture tho, tiny one.
There’s a video of the logistics and the event at the Irish bar right here. (If u wanna watch it pour, its from the 4th minute. Warning: Will induce thirst.)
Its filled with more than 1,000 litres of booze, ie, more than a ton! This glass of Guinness would earn it a place in the Guinness Book of Records as d largest in d world. Looks like they hooked plumbing to about 20 barrels at once n let it squirt.
Sure would have luved to jump into the glass to skinny dip and drink at d same time.
If GAB Malaysia ever needs a volunteer swimmer for such a stunt, i’m it! Just throw some meat in every coupla days.

oh. my. GOD.