The monkeys at the World Health Organization are workin on a proposal to ban duty-free booze globally.
Are they outta their fuckin little minds?? Whodafuck is WHO to me for it to suggest a rule like dis?
Thats the only source of reasonably-priced booze for poor people all over d world. Wat, this one-bottle quota each is gonna end the world?
U know what i really feel sometimes?? Some people need to be sent to rehab – to learn how to be human again.
We aint flawless. Accept it.
There’re a million ways to die. Duty-free booze aint gonna do shit. Alcohol paranoia at work again. They must be on some baad LSD.

The best treatment for these alcophobic people. Stuff a bottle of Jose up their ass, but lubricate with some lime n rock salt first
Duty-free is the one small thing many travellers look forward to, coz of the price and wide range of booze u can discover at a convenient location. (Actually u can get it in Brickfields too. Haha. Mail me for details.)
For EVERY bottle of liquor sold (non duty-free), $50-$100 goes to the fuckin government (to fund their excessive lifestyles and promote further oppression of the people.)
Obviously, right-thinking people would not wanna pay any tax. It’s something that’s best avoided at all costs.
Anyway, there’s this other organization called the Consumers Association of Penang (CAP). Its full of shit. The president is an extremist called SM Muhd Idris (hmm, wonder what SM stands for). Unfortunately, CAP is very vocal. And very few people fuck them up, considering the crap this senile dude spews.
This nut would ban booze if he could. He’s the loco orang utan who asked the government for a complete ban on mobile phones! Haha! Back to your cave asshole.
Lock him up. Dont throw away the key though. Say “Catch mafucker!” & throw a grenade in.
*Sigh*. Look at what harmless people who just wanna live our lives have to fight against regularly. It’s a constant & vigilant battle to maintain our simple way of life.

WTF WTF WTF spend time voicing out about rapists and murderers and whatnot instead of banning dutyfree alcohol WTF
CAP is Consumers association of Penang btw.
Duty free is the best. =)
Tx. D typo has been corrected
CAP guy is mamak, malay wannabe..ignore the mofu! Harmless..