I think lok-lok was created by God especially for drinkers. U can have a hot, meaty snack, and u dont even need to sit coz its a real quickie. Good ol’ meals-on-wheels. Gives u more time for other more important stuff, like drinking.
There’s no sitting around n waiting for your food and like, accidentally sobering up.
It’s also great for happy hours, coz HH sessions normally start at 6, and end maybe at 10 or 12. Which means ur usually starving at some point. And the heaven-sent lok-lok dude is ready for u. A quick snack n back to drinks. Or an easy dinner then balik. Also a spot to socialize n make friends with alcos.
Hell, there’s also a “I Love Lok Lok!” group on Facebook. Haha
In KL, The Fat One is currently da main man. Fatso has about 40 trucks so far. And loads of items. The addition of d BBQ grill and a deep-fryer has really upped the standards. U gots to try the grilled bacon, grilled lamb kebab, & the deep-fried soft shell crab in flour & chili batter. Fuuck. Dats da shit right there.
There’s a lot more variety than disgusting fishballs, dats for sure.
My regular lok-lok (aka dip-dip) dude is Charlie, who parks near Sid’s Pub TTDI.
Charlie is a recovering forest rapist – a logger in Sabah. Now he’s left all that behind him n is repaying society by handling a truck for Fat One, and earns a flat rate, with a lil commission. He starts set-up, etc in the afternoon at the central factory/kitchen and then goes out, closing the stand at about 1am or later, then heads back to clean shit up.
Come to think of it u can even have the van parked at your place for a house party. Haha! Catering the whole truck costs $800. Charlie’s your man – 016 908-8560.

Damn. Charlie has quit lok-loking.
Wherever u are, later dude!