As of today, dis blog has had 10,000 views. Not today la of course, but in total since it started on April 18. Slightly below 100 days.
Still nowhere those who get a few thousand a day! Feedback has been good tho. Thank u.
D most popular posts thus far are those in the top right sidebar. And the top referrer has been Joyce, followed by Suanie and Eyeris. Most commented has been Freedom Festival?? ‘Freedom’ my ass!
“How to make tuak” has been one of the most popular search engine terms. Haha! Alcos. Also “best tequila for margaritas”.
The funniest search term has to be “piss alarm”, thanks to d Night Train post! Whodafuck searches for piss alarms?? Freaks.
Anyway, like everything else, this calls for a drink. Haha! And another crazy party if it ever hits six figures.
Thanks for d support. Have had fun doin it, hope u’ve had fun reading n commenting! And drinking!

Congrats!!! This calls for a drink?