(Also know as Club Med.) The main bar opens at 9. In d morning.
O yea, and booze is on da house. So breakfast is sorted. Food’s on d house too. As well as all bar snacks, cocktails, etc.

D main island bar. Take your pick
This trip is free, courtesy of d club in Cherating. Day two of four. Phew. Surprisingly no incidents. Yet.

Our balcony
First meal of today was Baileys on da rocks. Was buzzing within an hour of wakin up.
Hmmm, an hour? Slacking. Had a couple of those then hit d restaurant for some bites and rose wine.
Like d alcohol, d food spread is amazing. All sorts. Been doin pizzas tho. And cheese, lotsa cheese – swiss cheese, cream cheese, blue cheese, cheddar cheese, cream cheese, i got cheese comin out of my goddam ears.
Started with cheese n raw marlin today. Didn’t think swordfishes n all tasted edible. Drowned it in wasabe, which is d main reason i like Japanese.
Japanese is good. The chicks too. Yeaaa

White wine, marlin n wasabe: good mix

Moved on to d pink shit

In d restaurant. Self-service beer on tap. How bout that
Every nite there’s like a party at d bar. The GOs (guest officers or watever) are guys n gals who work there n show u a good time. Also, u can ‘buy’ them as much booze as u want. Chicks not so hot dis time tho (was here in ’07). D last time hooked up with a hot Korean. Haha
Last nite was pretty eventful. We ended up at an after-party at one of d GO’s place. Before that Joleen was playin lawn bowls or sum shit n her team won. Teammate Marco so happy – belanja a bottle of Mumms. Which costs $500 coz champagne ain’t part of d deal.

Joleen n Fisya playin balls

The result
Tonite’s theme is Oriental.

The bar, our HQ
Will update soon. Drinks are callin. And d bartenders are all chicks today.
Brain damage rating: 8/10

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ah must have by passed u … was working there in 07.. oh well nice place and good post u got going.. been reading the others.. keep it up. cheers
Really? Was part of the Mercedes test-drive crew back then – we were in Club Med for 3 days