Well, just a few. But there’re lotta others out there.
They think pets are for human entertainment.
I have a dog, the legendary Homey, and i treat him well. He gets what he’s really, absolutely dying for daily – his running-free walks out. And pussy. He somehow scores reasonably regularly. He does runaway, but always comes back.
I didnt cut Homey’s nuts off. For one thing, i feel genital mutilation is cruel, killing an animal’s primary and some say sole reason for existing (ie, breeding). I feel it’s more cruel than letting stray puppies live.
For every unhappy stray out there, there’s probably one reasonably-content one. In the animal world, ‘reasonably-content’ is as good as it gets!
There are animals that actually die just so they can reproduce. Doesnt that give u a hint on what it means to their ‘pathetic’ lives?
And second, so what if he screws, and some bitch has kids? They might die, or they might live (like Homey’s last bastard, Kayote); and get to breed. Being given a chance at life is better that not existing at all. Who am i to decide they don’t get to live?
It’s like saying Africa’s wilderbeast shouldn’t breed cos lions might eat their kids. That’s what animals do. And sometimes they suffer, sometimes they get sick, sometimes they get eaten. Fuckdat. Get used to it. It’s not up to us.
It’s the natural order of things, and it’s never pretty n rosy.
And third, who am i to interfere in Homey’s natural instincts? He’s a goddam dog. If u don’t like what dogs do, don’t get a dog. Is anyone forcing u to get a dog, then cut off his nuts?
And i don’t make him do stupid tricks for my pleasure. Or put on goddam clothes to make him more ‘human’. He will never be human! Get pregnant or go buy yourself a goddam kid from Thailand if u wanna play dress-up.
That’s the ultimate expression of “The damn animal exists to serve me!”
The only tricks my dawg knows is “come here” and “git out!!”.
I have never referred myself as the owner of Homes, but rather caretaker. How can u OWN a life? U could own a fucking chair (coz it’s lifeless), but you can’t own an animal. It’s a free spirit.
Everyone is born free.
And just coz u paid for its trafficking (ie, import), don’t mean u can actually own a LIFE. Who are you suddenly, God?
U don’t even own your kids’ lives. The only life u own is yours.
That’s why maid abuse and maid slavery and human trafficking goes on. People feel… “I OWN the maid. I paid for the bitch, so why not do as i please to her?” People like that are a dime a dozen. Hence, they abuse their pets/maids without even realizing it, or never stop n think that, “Maybe this isn’t right.”.
Or “What is the real, true purpose of me confining this animal? For its benefit, or MINE?” If only people actually used their brains and thought about these things.
They refer to the animals such – I OWN a tortoise or I OWN a lizard or a fish or watever. That’s the thing about most people. It’s all ME.
But what definitely takes the cake is confining an animal in a aquarium or cage. I really don’t know how humans can do that. That’s imprisonment and torture in its purest, undiluted form.
It’s been calculated that this is equivalent to putting you (human) in a space of a phone booth, feeding you in there, and occasionally letting you out for rec time, if at all. See if u can handle that.
No, it’s not cool, however ‘funky’ the animal is. Really. It’s dumb. It’s pure selfishness. Egoism at its prime.
Animals are not some stupid display item.
I cant believe pet shops are allowed. They should be illegal. They’re hubs for many pets like birds, turtles, lizards, fancy breeds, etc. Allowing pet shops shows society is still cool with animal trafficking.
Why is selling pets even allowed?? (There’s even an FB page now against this)
If u really want a pet, dont buy. Get your friends’ extra puppies or kittens, or adopt. And forget the other animals. The more exotic, the more ignorant and egoistic you probably are.
The worst are of course people who keep wild animals, like snakes n shit. And of course, birds. I envy birds, the distances and heights they can travel.
A friend gave my ex-housemate Sam a pair of beautiful lovebirds once for his birthday. Immediately i was like, “Watdefuck is this shit?!” I was pissed at the ‘gift’.
The next day, i convinced him it was stupid, and to set them free. Thankfully, he’s intelligent, so he said ok. So i opened the cage door. One flew out immediately, and waited on a tree close by. The other was reluctant.
The freebird starting singing. And signing, sweet tunes (they never sang even once before) . The other eventually flew out, to sit next to each other.
They sat together on the branch, and both sang loudly and melodically for us for 10 minutes. And then suddenly took off like lightning, never to come back. Me n Sam smiled and nodded at each other. We felt liberated too.
A coupla months ago, me n my bro opened up all the bird cages at this fancy-ass restaurant in KL, A Passage Thru India, as we left the place. Some birds escaped. Haha. Serves those idiots right. Confining birds n shit.
And I would do it again. At the most, I’d get arrested for vandalism or some shit like dat.
Who knows, they might give up their fucking stupid ‘decor’.
Well, animal rights have a long way to go on this planet. If u buy them, they’re yours to be used n abused, as you please. No one can stop you.
We’re the supposed ‘prime species’. Prime my brown ass. We cant even stop torturing n killing our own species, let’s not consider other ‘lesser’ species. Humans should learn from animals, not the other way around.
But of course, we’re pretty damn good with screaming about animal abuse on the Net or FB. People goin ballistic with their comments, gettin nose-bleeds all over their keyboards n shit. Without lookin in the mirror first. They might see an animal abuser.
I have more respect for someone who gives a dog a kick to chase it away than some of the pet-owners i know. At least that sorta abuse is one-off, not 24-7.
Those cold dog catchers dat we bitch abt? They’ll probably tell you d same thing some of my friends have told me – “They’re domesticated animals, meant for humans. So we treat them so.”
*Cough* booshit!
Let’s try to be less less selfish and egoistic. The less ego u have, the less u’ll think about what YOU want, and the more u’ll respect an animal for what is it – a free life. Just like you.
We’re constantly learning.
Eight years ago i wrote three feature pieces in The Star about zoos; one was on how silly zoos are. On how they shouldn’t even exist. “But kids wanna see animals!” Shaddup! Put on Kung Fu Panda.
Last year The Star did a major piece about it, but unlike eight years ago, this time there was more acceptance. Society is evolving.
To me, zoos are nutin more than voyeuristic animal torture chambers.
People also freak out big-time about shark fins these days.
Am also against trapping and confining endangered species in a ‘research facility’ coz they’re endangered. Let them go extinct! They wouldn’t know better anyway. So what? We fucked up. Accept it and learn. Why torture them for that? U think the last rhino on earth really knows/cares dat it’s the last?? It wdnt give a shit about dat, besides trying in vain to get laid.
I guess mainstream society still hasn’t evolved to the level i’m talking about. These views are quite radical, and probably most people reading this are conservatives. But am 100% sure someday we’ll look back and think “We condoned shit like that?? Daaamn. How primitive.”
I dont expect many people to support these views, understandably, as it wd mean accepting d fact that most of us are ignorant, self-gratifying animal abusers.
We all learn all the time. If we don’t, we wdnt have progressed. Progress involves listening to alternative views n accepting what could help us be better.
Stop before u buy an animal. Ask yourself – am i doing this for me, or for the animal? (I’m willing to bet money that 99.9% of the time, its for you.)
So think twice before you u go out n purchase an animal. It’s not a product, or a show-off-to-friends toy; it’s a life.

Well said.A lot of people are ignorant or pretending not to see.On one hand they say things like “don’t eat shark fins/turtle eggs” or whatever endangered species but at the same time they got a bird singing rhymes for them in cages or some pathetic dog that is tied for 23 hours a day.Just to suite them,the animal is there when they need some entertainment.Otherwise don’t wanna know.Hopefully a couple of them read this.
Yea. Well, there are 2 types. Hypocrites, which u mentioned, and the thick-skinned, who even after reading / accepting alternative views, refuse to accept that it might be referring to themselves. Both groups claim to be ‘animal lovers’, with their purchased / confined pets n shit.
Another joke are some of d dumbass animal welfare groups out there. They spend more energy tryin to kill each other off rather than animal welfare. SPCA is said to be included.
My housemate has / had a sugar glider as a pet. I dont know what dat is, neither do i giva fuck. Either way, Homes killed him.
Very well written. It is good to know that there are still local people who actually care about our animals.
Can I ask please, was that the first and the last you wrote on animals issue to the Star? If yes, why did you stop?
I believe in order to see change, we need to keep pressuring the authorities otherwise they will take those matters rather lightly and forget about em eventually. However, if you keep pressuring them over and over again, they will eventually do something about it. ”First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”-Mahatma Gandhi
Lately as per what you realized, yes there is some changes that are taking place. This is all the result of pressuring NRE and Perhilitan. And most of these were done by foreigners. For instance Sean Whyte, the CEO of Nature Alert in the UK, has been doing a great job by sending countless emails to the Malaysian government and also wrote many times to the media.
Malaysians as what you mentioned are indeed selfish bunch of folks. They are ignorant and will die ignorant because of the life they were born into.
Keep on writing! You are doing a great help for those animals without voice!
Actually i was referring to all humans, not just Malaysians. Whatever country, many still regard pets as products. Like u said, its cos animals dont have a voice of their own. U can help by releasing them when u get the opportunity.
I was working for The Star at dat time. Not anymore.
I agree with many of the points you raised.
But to just sit back and let a species go extinct is downright ignorant. Why are they even becoming extinct in the first place? Primarily because of p0aching!
In your words, it was our mistake for not taking poaching seriously. So it is also our responsibility to make sure a species survives and thrives.
While containing animals in a small space is not my idea of a solution, I believe we should do away with zoos altogether. Safaris and national parks must be the next step. Land and forests must be gazetted so that animals (rhinos?) can roam free in their natural habitat.
If a law handing down mandatory death sentence for poachers were to be seriously enforced and executed, do you think poachers will still want to slaughter a rhino for its’ horns? The occupational hazard will just be too high.
Some/any affirmative action to maintain the natural order of things is better than sitting back and doing nothing.
Yea i agree with u. Forests must be protected for animals to thrive. But i dont agree that they be taken out of forests for their survival
And to the whole lot of rich chinese pricks….yes we know u’ve got a whole load of money, stop buying pets with exorbitant prices while many rot in cages….you damn humans disgust me….
I dont see how the nationality or race of a person has a role here. Dats a load of BS. Pet abusers are in every country
WE’z juz wanna ave FUN!
Anjing Kurap Blues! Haha. Cool track, heard it before
an argument for neutering pets? how about seeing kittens being run over by unsuspecting motorist who didn’t know they were there? most cat owners let their pets roam free so they go around sowing their wild oats making loads of baby kittens.. and the resulting road kill count..