Spent 4 days in Redang Island at the Berjaya Resort. Not much to do there. Cept drink. So that was mostly d program.
Very pleased with my mini-bar there!

The easiest drinking game on d planet, Show Card. Stick a card on your forehead. Lowest card drinks. No-brainer. After a few rounds, no brain left to need

These two guys were awesome mixers. Shd have brought more! Jose for afternoon Margaritas and Bloody Mary for morning wake-me-ups, with extra Tabasco of course

Off to d beach

Bye island!
Brain damage: 8/10

Hi, I see you have the Jose Margarita Mix there. Do you know where is the best place to buy it. I have found it once or twice at various supermarkets but not consistently available. Jaya Grocer’s at Subang Jaya was carrying it but I think I bought their last two bottles at RM 29 each.
U can get it at Hock Lee’s supermarket. Its a new one at Medan D’sara, D’sara Heights. Jln Batai area. Its $26.90, one litre.
Have u seen d Strawberry Mix version around?