Hit a a Remy Martin new product launch in some bar recently in Kota Damansara, and a tasting by The Glenlivet at some bar in Hartamas.
Remy Martin now allows u to drink the cognac from a dispenser that chills it to minus 18C! Gosh!
Ever got brain freeze by drinkin liquor neat? It’s possible if u have a whole glass of dis stuff.
The bottle is placed inverted on the box, and the cognac flows thru and emerges out via a tap, extra cold. Simple.
At the launch at Parking, we were handed shooters – i had like 7, and they’re incredibly smooth and taste real good!
Thing is there only four units of these meant for Malaysia, so your luck which bar they’re being rotated at. If u spot a red box on the bar, it’s your lucky day.
Dis friendly Scottish dude Darren Hosie, Chivas Brothers’ International Brand Ambassador, led The Glenlivet tasting at Roponggi. The Glenlivet is a pioneering brand in Scotland’s single-malt industry, and has been around for more than 150 years.
Dude instructs us to add some water into each glass of Glenlivet – there were several types there, ranging from 12 years to 25 years – then give it a sniff, and a sip. Based on his short presentation about each Glenlivet, we were supposed to guess which one we were tasting.
I find this kind of exercises pretty futile coz we aint experts to make guesses. A better way would have been to tell us what we were having, so we can appreciate and understand it better. Also, the amount of water added into each sample varies, giving different opinions on the strength and power of d Scotch.
Anyway, we drink all of em down, coz they were dam good. Met Sue Lynn, a food blogger who did a great job to sort our bites from d menu.
Brain damage rating: 7/10