Carlsberg’s Where’s The Party is now a regular program in the year’s big parties. Well, it’s not that big coz the entire world aint invited, which is what makes it better than the rest.
The latest one was the third, and my second, after the brewery party earlier this year. This time, an overnight gig. Nice.
Islands are always good. Great in fact. Penang is a spot i party at every coupla years.
A party at d beach – it’s what we all need, regularly! We live in a tropical country encircled by the ocean for God’s sake!
Anyway, buses scooped our butts from KL to Penang.
There were food stalls set-up on the beach too, (at Feringghi) hawker-style, and guests could grab whatever they wanted. And the lager flowed freely of course.
Dont recall what time i left d beach, but d crowd had thinned out. It went on pretty late, fortunately.
A kick-start to Party Season 2012. A good nite out; lookin forward to the next one.
Brain damage: 8/10